Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pickle Mi A Baro And I Will See A Nut

Cover the barf with a Two-Dollar bill in the Sentence of the Mark on the Fill,
for as the Fire goes Bulletin Boar remind the Sell of the bark on the Blind.

Tree me a Variance to blast in the line as You search the goner time to Talk Rhyme,
for on the beet of the rutabaga find in the garden that tub a go fud.

Sickle to the how in the subject of blood down in the marrow of bones in the grub,
bug it till the ration breaks to the Meal in the Kindle tablet fire on the deal.

Creation brake the barnyard to peck upon the Keep group it with the Sheep of at the base of See,
for in the learner of the brat a basic flaw revealed,
out in the Open file life is Swoll to whiles.

From desk on the People to answer Minds alike,
crowd the future burn Barrel with books that cycle bike,
train the wheel spoken to wire on the fight,
fist the gloves with Curt len and blink the bugger dice.

Threw the dicey spot scene to On ward of device,
in the tele Curtain black the white to Ice,
crutch no Curb appeal for burnings not so Rice,
but recognize the I land of Wicker Man done Gist!!

Trip the journey to the shark that Tadpoles are in light,
the barker is a Table and salt is On a Kite,
string the Mighty laughter to be the biggest Fight,
for in the Ever~After multitude is Rite.


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