Monday, October 6, 2014

Respective Piers

In the flashback on account in the greater youth a squid to tiny in my frame I up against a came,
in the math of bath of floor the red is obvious to torn the pieces of the listing shore to scattered,
I see the table of the silver metal of the board on the side the rings of store to tie a barreled leap,
in slow to back the wall is black can and I blend with curtain tack to hid from what this haunts,
in spinning reel of this Mind the thoughts are trying to get sub. to under the control of day,
yet in this midst of done today the factor on the X in came a trot down memory of a lane in done,
the puddles filling quickly now the spread is on the concrete kept like labeling the touch,
in matter of the hiding for the rinse is to much for I'm four in the age of compete the silent stays alive.

Spring the blinking keep the lips to close the verbal on the rip why is everyone on the fit of watching,
in deplore just shallow I in the wall of hidden cry to speak of nothing in the side I'm frightened I am 5
in the time it takes to breathe I know that the movements real so slowly over out,
what is that above the shout on the floor in chord of bound I cannot stop the die,
quiet now the say to self in ample it is just a belt in the Nightmare life,
turn from side to close my eyes talk until the thing is live and then be patient more.

Beside that Table with the rings the shine is nearly glistened sings yet to the left the flow,
again I stop to know my Self in this I cannot see myself for all is in this room of fill shown so,
there on the top of been a fluttering of strange in sin I can see what it's doing to almost like a through,
no tunnel vision it is full View to the scatter of the wind yet in this space the frill at send,
where is the place of such kill fright that the bite is shutter type on the scamper of the light to yank,
I know that dreams in full of Wake are often with the stream of take yet on the floor is moving.

Again I look to no avail of the shadow is a trail of the thing that says nothing but looks to being,
in the shredded memory is the death just tremble me as I fell like something glued be back together,
the simple is the Humpty Dumpty of the wall on watching some string to the horror of now,
in this tale from the dark in the black of Walls to sound it is still filled with Humans all around,
could this indeed be on of those terms of exorcise that jumps from bank to realm of Mind out,
to prepare for night of spare in the sky of pare as the symptom signs to smoke of bullets of a rope,
there cannot be the fire in the camp of smoke of ready been unless the trigger fired pin in stamp,
this is the fight of lighters had that matches are the bic's best friend for the stick in dynamite is loaded

The chorus of the single flight to so far back I feel the bite at the base of nape in goose the bumps,
to see the staggering amount of spill with the liquid of the mill is this explain in chill folding,
I cannot know for I am small at the age of no stand hand now to the table top its ran to spline,
why is the vice of grip on me to remember on the key that these tasks were done to me in real,
a pour for the scare to rare in say as the dream is no the gave for in the spoken it is to close to surreal,
I scream to sense the dank in air for the grab is in repair a handle on the shape of Shade that gamble.

Does the scene remember me with the face of Factor cream do the words in common theme keep Ki,
as to the cage in lost at long the ever in the going strong can the said be to the be a symbol,
clash goes the silence in the spot of terror where humans Claire at the basement in the dark of sandal,
is the brash of switch to death seen in different lights at Means to explain the life of death at Handle,
in the hymn of holding close the stare I stare to scared to Most yet stuck on view of Shade,
seems that what this may be will come to be in Naturally at the point of knowing what is Whom.

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