Monday, October 6, 2014

Working On 'It' Job Burns

Tunes that mass the chapel fact touch a theme and addition text in the Chapter on the fact,
strip the nude to concrete path the price is brains on the scratch to ever in the Cycle path,
on the cinders of the Coal in the broth of challenge Mole to breathe in with Wish in bowl,
don't do the Singers show for on the verbal he brought the role on the further in a stole,
to rub the in Cents as the sum to advance the nothing on the Drum stretching farther down the stung,
so in the chance that silence danced keep the self in brow of joints for Social is denial comes,
speak with done as did did runs on the look it's quiet the stun of shunned I have been sipped,
washed the cum from my bum in that bath of soap and gum many years passed by in mirror,
took the tremble from the fear as the eyes are all in steer grasp the packing it's liquid backed.

Follow gut to know the fuck in advance run that grunt,
even on the Course of gone people will just down the dawn,
age will not matter Church will hide in the Blind of Preach and Shroud,
dictation to the Devil said filled the boner with the dread,
than on that admission real they will just be chimed for Heal,
pray to stab than let on loose to get the grab and shank the goose,
again tongue again the swallow drown open up for Satans sound,
tunnel swell a grain to soak if their caught it will be spun,
for possession now took them all while you stare and wonder shim,
their pant of eyes with brows in lie licking from the stung at chum.

Gosh the darn the devil fell atop their head they'll say it's kill,
than in the midst of all the bait they point at you and say you state,
in the steer of entire room all will stake the fault is you,
steep the hill with any word than they blast with demons stew,
the answer they have for every detail is before the after in the nail,
pounding vile chain the style in the doing they ground the Mile.

Charter this with Centered rip for the bible said it so,
now the quotes begin to inch as the thick gets ready cinch,
on those jails in the fate more are scene to ever date,
nothing stops so bring a Wake on that application trade,
now the candle to the Wind all do cry and state a ball,
oh the sorrow rounds the pew pictures of the found in crew.

Post the pokers they are on the cue up to the front of 'I loved you'
in that gun on arm of wrist done is buried six foot gift,
now the 'I had too' starts the conversations loot,
pray for sample in the goon look to graveyard in the fun,
each will teach that list of taste for few will bring a grower Chase.

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