Saturday, November 1, 2014


The synopsis of compilation in the logic of method is interesting should be found,
ask the anamoly to bearings of the human in self forward of the backwards revert,
directional logic burning Compass with the graph stands at the break of Humanity is social,
as the curtain details to The Blunt push out as does the Red Fabric shed lease,
in barrier of plate Mask to the oriental carpet display a Screen of the Match byte,
in mid of a North fountain to that chung of remiss The Blunt has been in the tsk.

Bowling for lives is a discounted Event in these times of a dollar for an Ass,
donkey the sat to the mules of a prat a barn swallow broads to the Isle of stay,
inking that Forehead with missing oh Wait I do believe the trapping is a Trap~a~Tier on lace,
shoeing the enclave with touch the honey sticky but truthfully extreme in rain,
tide table charts listers that soak in a plodding rent to the owned by a sense,
pardons for nobody make Spaghetti talk straight as in the before the cook is a lay.

Bilge on the Human sump of lungs that pump with a mouth on jar the tongue on bisque,
with saliva as drink bile that trunk as barf on the strain of what life was never meant to be,

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