Saturday, November 1, 2014

What Spot

The Bank of many measures have groan to bellow soak,
in a time to touch a place with ground at human talk,
communication to engage hug and simple say,
hello how are these comes of farther than the Stars.

In midst of Worlds early graves the drowning of more shade,
echoing with mighty voice I declare the dones,
for in the Mystery of sit a product of the chase,
death will be the miracle of life just moving on.

Entice broke thought at mention shot to embellish a true scene,
the swing of round the circle song pockets full of long,
dancing at the cinders Ash of ribbons on the tree,
a Verse for sky the note from earth an ear that says Hooray!!

Meant to have been a brilliant lane to touch the friend you Thought,
in belief the body leaf an Arm to shoulder spot,
there in foot of knee to walk a silence on the beach,
looking watch to spice the eyes of knowing in the crop.

Out amongst the Grand divide Fire ice lend the rice,
ground to down the dirt to Air upside down its Hot,
melting banners of the stare to Colds that issue flu,
sneezing Coughing filtered would bring Branch of dagger Too.

Harpers that mouth the trap with violin caboose,
cello of the xylophone a drum of skin in root,
taunt the stretch to over etch a scratch to taint the dude,
one less of the cage in scrub Arson at it's Spruce.

Hung with branch of employments ranch Whom has dropped row stance,
the square to Block of head in know a Natural gentle wave,
no squire on the garden Wire the clothes pins on the rope,
drying out to soak the shout to drink until the stew.

One cup said to anchor head with stolen gives by Take,
photographic memorize the Ancients are the way,
science in arena being Age to test the Text,
a Wall of stone or migrant bone the evidence is Just.

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