Sunday, November 23, 2014

Google Time Stamped Zero Six Thirty-Six Hours

First on the label as the tag should go bearings with a Temple on googles recorders,
yet I can't help but wonder for the Files seem to be so brief in the cased at explosive,
that a task of hand grenade to the pull pen type is apt to go play games on the Titles to fight!!

Trued in value Measure with stick a taste of the Noun on the additional flick,
troops for the March in the Mayberry Club not summing the burial via barkers on subbed.

Treat to the trip on a Journey Fulled ride 'cause I am still pissed about James Blunt Video pit,
the Horse on the hill galloping to the still,
the Daisy Duke dancers are heard had a Shill,
the filling of Cream by ways of Register,
the stolen enveloped my purpose for throw just check out and go!!

California Hotel booked to the Keep,
the beach boys with girls driving beatles at beep,
like 1973 was a year of what deed!!

Now on the bike of the saddle in Cycled,
James Blunt declares he is reading a book,
amazed as Americans throw back 'cause you'd never guess but I'll tell,
Tom Wolfe's 60's declaration of a Chemical Romance with Acid,
this is The Electric Cool Aid by Marry go Rounds,
grant it it was a Thousand Years but whose Counting!!

Now why would James Blunt be treading on a decade of the Sixties in the Haight on Ash buried,
Market Street jumps as the bus to the Thump a rabbit in Shropshire and the Dance to austere,
on the County of Cork the banks of the steeps Massives are Teas in the totaling peeps.

James Blunt declares that he Fit with desperate Housewives so his new edition should be fine,
as that is his made mention as the plunder to gem however than James Blunt states he's not Earnest again,
so if nothing wills interest other that fact should not James Blunt stick with his Own Countries track,
instead of complaining that Americans killed by live T.V. all while he sings a suicide song to Me!!


UTC Time NowNoon UTC6:35am UTC6:37am UTC6:30am UTC6:45am UTC

6:36 AM UTC is 10:36 PM in your local time


My Time

  • Time difference between your local time and UTC is: -8 hour(s) (-480 minutes).
6:36 AMtwenty-four minutes to seven am, six thirty-six am, thirty-six minutes past six am
06:36twenty-four minutes to seven, six thirty-six, thirty-six minutes past six
Military0636Zzero-six-three-six hours, zero six thirty-six hours
AM or A.M. - latin ante meridiem, meaning before midday, PM or P.M. - latin post meridiem, meaning after midday. Letter 'Z' in military time indicates ZULU Time Zone which is equivalent to UTC.

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