Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Italics Set_Zero At Live Dot Com The Binary Of A Micro_Phone Width 'The Wave'

Sarge me a beacon on the Travels of the talent belt of not I for that would instant Self,
to the grab of the Outer Moon to task the realm of the most High Maker in that flight,
gallant that proof to the journey of the Angels in the sire of the grandest Moment of Creation,
on the brake of Evolution the father of All Ways for that is the direction of this brand New Sky.

No fall for I too familiar will cycle the blessing to the balance of the Scope of band,
with that company I shall bank the skate upon the galaxy that multiplies to the solar breast,
at that scene to blast this life to gone and being so close to the circumstances of the wonder,
in this trust that barrel of a Vista to say Hello devil, know that Satan is the Uncle on the boards!!

Awe but for the grant is so mustered by the facts that you and I are both bound to really shine Rites,
lets dance the Waltz of ALL TIME meet that Hand I know to be in the Path of powering suite,
oh how there is the folklore within my being to sit on the lap of Zeus wave to Odin & might Thor,
to only the hammer dictation for the trippings on the fast to the best in Show of spoiled terribly so,
that is I.

I spread the rocks to talk Pebble and laugh to speak Water in the giants I say Niagara,
in that I answer the Comet with prequels of the Fire in the flame of Elemental turns,
as conversation grows to my real age on this plane ...Well .. it's all about that love of the trace,
'cause as I said the chortle is more like the reason that The Earth asked the dinosaur,
won't you Tar.

In that slick of the bankers to the Elephant pounding in the Thump of the rain,
it's ankles that treat the Class of pause without the simple delight of that sheet in the sprawlings,
cavemen to broker the Netherlands walking to castles in the Mountains of the frost,
oh why does the Human Being not say to the Wealth of this soak "I just Want to Shout!!",
Thank You.

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