Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Reality Of Passage Is Dug

Kiss to the shocker upon the found of that state perking the sent to Overboard,
in swimming on the sake of a Top to the plates best of the Letter in a Compact date,
hugging for the Shine of selling on the sport of turn the other Cheek as every owns an Ass,
a burrow of the black to simple all the fact from Poets of the History have spoken of ducking!!

Marks at the dog Ear sharks on the Row, Tellers on The Operator fitting is the Bow,
quiver to the Arrow riding Horse in glow part the see it's Read in facts touching biblical,
in the tends on recording not The Question of the grounds,
as in that Answer it would not be blowing on The Winds,
but stating of the Send!!

Transfer makers Orders with Creative by design,
a Universe in solar to the spanking Moon of sign,
strange in the Spoon of off the circles bounce,
said for Planet on the dam what is held is Held by Stand!!

One opportunity that single stream rain on the galaxy Star dusting frame,
showers of Comets now Touchdowns are named,
scratch that simple and Complex with same!!

Quotes to the magic Spelling that Out,
defining thoughts to break knots,
swaddles of bundle The Kindle to fire,
igniting The Spark that sets to Required!!

No olive branch provided as The Crow is inking dove,
message in a broken Vast has floated to the Cast,
reels of the spinners just take a walk to class,
the dolphin is a Friendly as Humans are just blast!!

C.D. an easy as the radar or the beam,
digitals that Key pot with measure for The Told,
a Bank of whatever is the Wash at the coin,
mint a shall to the Dell than fossil it for Climb.


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