Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Horizons Aunt Llŷr

Difference to the Clock on mechanics in the thought of travel in the arms of shale,
earth is a shiver in the experience of reality to the touch stand in the brief caused,
Creation bearings brought forward per destruction for the first breadth is of express,
pawnee in the creeds from thorough card have carved a shelter bye was body hello language.

The statues in stone carvings are introductions to Mass applications to Show artistics,
founded by the journeys of crafting the same in exacts of these locked days,
in the temple of the dim a switch will deliver the Charged at an electrical slammer,
that being the Mind firing connections on the production of the Wandering,
from Elemental to the Rings of Fire at Core a Source of strength will shout in silent Course!!

Note that Religion is of only a belt on the cart of this Fleet,
the Armor shines on the Message of revealing,
as the words bore the Skull know Whole,
parting the fashion to the Carriage for the complete Role in Advent.

Tarp this farther and the bounce will Bow to the shot arrow in lit Wired,
with character zapping the eclectic blaze at done consistent,
the relation to a Milennia of natural trace has been,
treat per crave that has bring,
a Rook to the line hugging the Syncs!!

Art by rifle a shout parked at communication of reality no dream required,
photograph to spark the Sign will attach to shark the rows with Case drawn,
to the pools of Humanity that kill difference with craving death proxy,
remanded you have corned the callous of your Minds with nothing but slosh,
stank dew is a signal to the closed doors that molded in that bulge scored,
Creation has a shocker for your sins for she is the greatest of Killers,
by more than The Sun lease at the Moons thus the spread of Stars,
the archway to the Vice is the Cosmos in I explaining black holes.

People are the tar spinners sucked into this voice of terror on Science britch,
dire the body style to understanding the Black Hole on the vat,
in interest of dust Humanity has opened the door and slammed the stored,
yet Humanity not only looked but dipped into the Maker of duck Duck goosed.

By the mirror of Creations design Humanity creek that Torrent of shutters,
blinking in dismal exist 'Design Evolution' has Sheets on the sill Songs,
singing no echo but screaming Compute!!

Yet people tripe the Mental Ration as not in the Possible at the same minute of done,
short years with decades shined bark is the death that know invitation sensed,
in Plastic suffocated the wet sweat slipping the self to stood at sight did scorn,
through love in the kiss of those calibered words of 'This is best.' words to rubles Hem.

Sewn to my counter of return with the Cell phone is the only canter for stitch,
in that confusion of Human loan dark your swallow to escape to prison backwards,
in no Tunnel of light but this gas lighting that forked the formal to know electric Nights.

With no fuel or interest driving a noted Shallow I enjoy the ability myself wearing waders,
no rubber boots needed for truth as that would be only a jacket and I prefer Levi to Cloak,
shimmering with the explode I cannot choke for James Blunt sings of Smoke Signals but the Airwaves Hour Shows Clear!!

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