Saturday, November 29, 2014

What Did You Do Before The World Flew To The Powder Room

Transfer the morning drive to casual on the sight of a Vulture and a Crow on the peace Fold talk,
there on the settle the grass a bit of dew for the recognize of this Number of Proud at Two,
for the community in which this Is is the standing of a terrific at the unusual of Scene,
forbidden my the People that just cast the stones to Rock on the Temple of the clock,
for on the day that brides and dares do write the entire,
the fancy on the stimulation did bring the Vocal Choir,
that was the conversation Witness as the bird did sing,
at the marvel on the sit I enjoyed the lift.

In causation of this World and all the Flu it ill's to such I state with Implicit,
there are these Parks that stop the Cause to trust in Earth at See,
for in the Read of body Language the talk is all but Key,
for thereabouts the City Lights are lamps and that's not Bee.

The stinger of the welts that wear on my back of great in stare have provide to never spare the owed by technique,
in the intent of offered deed the World turned and than gagged Me,
for James Blunt just runs a Front that prison seed on Stage,
the big screen of the Ayes in place have trashed the ever simply Played.

These counters that digit seed is the Won of to at Thee to rubber boot The Puddles shooed,
a horse on task will be so fact that The Horse will neigh or Spook or be the effective taught,
from young on trained the Foal of Range is just a Mustang loosed,
with care and grain some Apples same the flavor is of dues,
so saddle on the guitar strong and familiar your deep resign,
for on that Strap a foot to tap has taken by design.

James Blunt is the was of been and Now the truth goes lens to blink,
blinders are Social sends that card the Invitations sin,
ink that Tattoo with this grind for even Octopus do fine swimming with the Fin,
shark at Tales muddy pales for Makings on the proved,
a paint shopper for extra Mop James Blunt is only other brought but that's good enough for GOG,
brand that word for the define is limited to Modge.

Potatoes on the mashing add the Milk from profits butter stop the bisque of Salts,
a pillar shagged with trim in lag to lug the Nuts a cropped,
drop down bends with swallow tends for deep are throats at Trees,
the arms of at Attach making better Armory that shoulders ever send.

A cold and chilly Winter prod to Vulture he did sleeve that the Crow did say to me it is the Carry-On,
in talent of a natural gift I deliver heard by clip for just the out side speak,
seals that do break to Owl whom Hooted for the ever bough at basic in the Such,
to not enjoy the Arid action of the Tippers glee is to be a James Blunt bus that delivered ate at ski!!

Slop that shot to James Blunts laugh for that must be the Mustard track,
a bit of Catch on to the spoken for the Mural is of Goatin' to the Gates hour Live,
Hell is more the After Now as burning in with Puce,
a good in hard that Pitch is lar and James Blunt banged The Boost leaving ALL obtuse,
he threw his big on World Gig than blundered breast of Set,
as Pandora is the Chest of best the Triple at the Gore Us,
said that global Warmings based at Corpus,
forward Move at decade glued the similarities past future proved.

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