Friday, December 12, 2014

At Thro

IN the middle of the night I rose to write a bit piece,
on the after of the life of the post I walked to smoke,
the port of my fag was the delight in the waltz, a porch.

AS hearing the Rain in the Wind a lovely breeze in lay,
that wonder of comfortable to understanding the work,
study in tempo of underneath was islands of time, my list.

A query Natural to the flats shared the thought of bed,
in veracious death hallows Hearth burn scour,
lumbering lets door the chamber of dead, a thimble.

NEEDLE to scope of aye Thought to happened in term,
thrice return to double Back exacting on proposal of the 5th,
opportunity lens with a Marriage in that fifty cork, a Hinge.

CRATE box Egypt to greece with a blinking comprehension,
to Sphinx on the deuce ink Plural triplicate to Master Kinged,
down with the bot Up tack the bug over grasp the bodily jug.

BEING received by the horror of what Religion hath carted,
theme the ridicule to Actual in sell a pocket trust,
Dali lama on the bring tells not of the bounce, A Spring.

COURSE direct is that originals will speak of the Ring,
duvet less to scrabble crew is A Multiple of chart,
mapping only very Extreme is Starlight moons spline.

LIFT thy favorite in the taste of Wine drink fold like sliced Meet,
recurring calendar on Made returns is working it out,
scout that teachers able with not I for this is a sing, Stable Hands.

SHALL the flip of 'The Continue" change Wing,
flight of death to tombs of set choice in Next arriving swing,
locked are the Hours on wound to be clock, yet no fling.

GONE to the Think in avenue of Mind I went to enjoy another drag,
as lips touched the blunt of the cigarette to bump Virginity,
for a beautiful moment WAS the rain drop fell the filter at the moment of clean, 
A draw of A Scene!!

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