Saturday, December 13, 2014

Parts Off The Guard It's a Martingale For The Crupper Sleeved

The Chest of the Necklace an arena with tack from basic to condition with the Nylons on soar,
grip with the clamp as this tile of glee At breast is the borrow in the knee it's akin,
set with the growing A Number notch belt James Blunt did cast the pearls ask Rocks,
in dime coming quarters the singer beeped seat Won in the trailer to Up the go Night.

To bank on the leather as that inserting of shore Tunnel in the cave is just now a waist store,
ages will canter to the future in doors A Head on the savor locked for the cat,
clause to the chamber ask the rooster of Coop atop the Whether is the Vain on the roof,
switch to the Barn as the stable is true, a listen to the Six of the breaking knots got suite!!

Dressers by the feather in the examination on the Top, 
better to be that Waiter oh but for the cock,
the shaft is a working gear Zen would even Tao, 
cork the shift truth expression What A Hell of a swift,
letting the attentive to push semen out to grip, 
holding for the Muscle train is reality of brain,
for as the used does work it out on bankers every knight, 
the elbow is in the came wait it gets better yet.

Holdings from the Hi boy held to understanding grip, Horns for the swaddle not the baby bits,
needed in the lust of Mind is surface of A Schooling, practice till the body clipped & boom the Hellion tipped,
that cast of crate to only sake has missed the noise of A.M., parking only with the pea O boy you missed the trip,
journey to the elder age of Men that dream A Truck, engines on The Mechanic owners of the page.

Flip this cause to Sexual for in the general Call,
 it is the did of patience that Wins the grands of Dau.

Architectural of music Sure it bounces this select, 
taken with the extra subs. the interjections dug,
deep in seat of Horse Complete that jump of Crossbars first,
a three stride bounce to steady fact is on this Mornings lane,
isles with the flower beauty to sand of rocks and Cliffs,
jogger on the Ages Reign tags the lip to kissed.

Aquatic style touch the Mile on the charters slack,
that Island of the of so bound musters only dialed,
in the arch of number that hand reserved to soap,
making more of whisper The Fates, The Sirens lope!!

Pony over to the Reality of holding don't let go,
increased are cycles to the powers that ride the waves of soak.

At the hards the first is tough but let me story out,
come once Come twice & in the thrice the World knows of rote,
to taller leans that swallow substance the chemical of stills,
should things not function twine in barb the fence must learn to slow,
bring no lather for the sweats as tempo is of virtue,
At best of curls simple.

The lease of information Rackets but does it speak of momentum,
answer question with this splice I'll scream for the discuss:


It sort of hits The Etcetera at that point but in troop Minds old stock.

The bigger thick is really sick and that just makes this marbles,
draw conclusions shell the bot create this more for sale,
a natural formula to bring to Thought the reason for the swirled.

Study the eyes of the mention steady the available girth,
Ask not anything the body language quirks,
a less of the quarter to increase the dot to aye What is that to bended should the saddle turk,
in burst of the speaker Narcissist stands to Reflective don't be locked at Mirror go purr,
increase the base of thunder to control the quick insert,
A Tale with a quarry is energy to work.

In seller of the Collar with Priest upon the clerk,
 is the Knot of carriage or grade in the footwork.

Back forward Reversal with quiet bodily rock,
 Slowing for the pressure will ease the Mind to Thought.

Treason is the cage A Key is in the Scene,

 foundered is a Horse.

Beds that tremble curtain The Measure is a muscle,
Thick to art of caliber like a fire in the cost.

Catch these simple stations Identify the spot,
Is the wiggle over or beginning with a Cot.

To thimble on the bait It is the Hook that stuck,
the jaw is in a tongue Tepee that campfire of a Cactus,
footing A Crate!!

 term look Up 'Cinch' the Thought,

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