Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Post Whole Digger^Read

Jump the days with oh what the Hell of that timber on the lumbered,
for a pocket full up rye to the ember died is the drink of cannot forget to talk,
ask no the question of the pleat on the stem chain the gall as bears,
intro to the grizzly mountain on the pants of zippery done,
in the boot of the tall branch as the saddle of comprehend,
cart to the berth of no that can't be for that is a Fort.

On sent particle board the glue to the compression is a  cut of Combine,
down to the swather of the Hay field sort to the rabbit by the T-post a gate,
inking the hill as the steep on the Flats is as race is a course on the steeple be source,
cutting on the alfalfa tree dose do squirrel for the Horse found a pony called Popo.

Ridden as fact to the skunk on the stall the cats in the barn talk a rubble of score,
pigs in the pen with Jack Russell's on form show production at Washington D.C.,
round about to the hunt on the skill is the Hedgehog of spring in the box of Wine,
fill the template with the dictation of screw that electricity values the off On switch.

Air to the ports of the breeze on the Duck in the goose Trades of ponding to lake,
the avenue of street is the address of the born tell the 5th parking that charm,
stroll hand in held flip it an App gosh darn that gossip it's like brains in a Hat,
text to the Tweet go quick as a sleep Snoring the blanket to smother the squeeze,
chomp on the disc with a Satellites dream in the Store of the shall we a tea standing.

Strong hour query with silence in speak from the basic of Convent of school to that deed,
the front hall for Organ the second in seat sound to the park as the Wood for the bleep,
garden patrol to touch on the Ax the base of the meant is a cycle on scarab,
beetle a brought with the T-Topper strain in the pictured ladder a keen,
on the H.Salt Fish & Chips by the known crossover library and back to the throw,
study a book with a taste in the Keep is the Post Office screaming mail on the boat.

Course now the Standards to The Poles of the Time in ages of Factor a brain on a slope,
try on a Coat or know the Vetwrap it is the bandage that shops might still stow,
as the hole was a Grease Pit in the midst of begin a storage compartment for clothes on the send,
warped on that challenge to Big Room of smoke a ceiling that moved to the office I vote,
on the table of board to the hammer on hedge a door with a listen said look to the Fed,
tank now the trough with a hold for the Horse in the barn that the Paddock moved by the court,
dressage was a test in the sand on the cliff as the brood mares were cool and the fiddle was leaked.

So to the constant of the fart on the storm remember the curtain of the stage of the stun,
walking to up in the ramp of the front stopped by the giants that trooped a big cope,
on the Boston review to the hamper of fact a city by Nation to seat the contact,
Petrini's at grocery the Flower held side a Man by review said a note to the do,
gone in one night as the sad of the stair made way to the faucet to make a date cared,
for on the deck of the stopwatch to clock it is the moment between that volumes this Tuck!!

Roads like the dinner that Sears on the store Ping Pong and Air Hockey paddles are corn,
feed to the crackers Chutney and ham for the capers are growing in the fight of the jam,
in butter that belts to that mystery pan hotter are temples that people have planned,
be of the watch to the fire in place video audio is certain to spurt,
the box of the channel on the cord to remote a tree is the Tin of the foil by mount,
free talk the typer but costs on the buy in the purchase of letter the sealed gave bow,
a light to the sky as the clouds are of lit in the cigarette tell time of Hemway a trick,
treat to the evening of ghosts that sleeve bust a shovel is digging to sport of the gust.

German Shepherds and hungry the worry for one in the other it sang like a bird on the come,
the night on that lean was up to the stun but until the bang it was a singer at young,
darn with the payphone the briefcase in hand taking it simply to a home of the brand,
in meeting of gentle to the fellow of ship the replica showing that Sees are still great,
on the hiccups which served to be a weird frame remember the silent and worth of the growl.

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