Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Whats Your Game

Out Hour course on balance of roar a lion by ripping the shreds of lock when;
in Raved of the sign to Tintinnabular scar a Wrist Walk at leather blind of the Rock!! Star.

At hard tack of Earth the storm of a girth an evaporation of divide is the Ankle Nation,
whereabouts of ribbon on old Oak Tree of invention spotlight parade a docket of sound,
to task an "At Call" to or of at wall the number of range in with pick a per fane, 
park on it center to 'A' the of clause,
a system in coarse to the harsh of Read-law to point port the sentence at chart quest to be,
stand of a difference to the sinking Poe lease.

Launch detail with rein of blisters inside that braid of Mane a stream of Independent to Tale.

Courting nothing on Test a Dressage saddle with Knowing Close Contact,
a pad for the lift to fit the Horse,
on back is the level at Seat.

A short Stirrup provides the Rider leg length for both impulsion of balance and ability to jump,
standards set poles to Oxer yet it is the walk of cattle asking dirt road of the barbed-Wire send.

Cross-Country at^vantage is of ship shore radio on morse,
coded to treat decks of tower the language for 'Rubber Ducks',
the pond of a a Ocean at Sea is scope with Mast while true Storm rinses swamp,
night sweat art put dream of dark tongue to lair the phone parts with trunk has locked,
combo service is rung using words like Marriage to that state barks Rounce.

Typical less role barn as harness apparatus is not of joke material on Hitchings,
the carriage of foot to man spank of crib in the pinch Cinch is collar Yoke hames,
bit attach at curb with adjust to severity broken snaffle tacking straight bar,
the Crupper of situated is of necessary to cork the fit yet on single ride is of port.

To rider on the plate service tell at tablet fire on application tells no withers of steed,
at-Hand the move crawls with slope the slip-N-Fall a moss Hill at mountain contain.