Monday, June 22, 2015


Razor this Shave with the Toll on the Golden Gate Bridge,
now at Fastrack I quarter the Frisk to an Exclaim ore`d,
these Earth globes of Snow and Bulb.

A Chance to Municipality on that is the Core Boards of a Candle,
on the Waxed of the Museum to that Painting in the Printables chew,
jaws on a boat to Seas of the Fink is an Eye a Patchie for this Grimms Fair 'E' Tailed,
is the Dock on the Horse of Arena to The Orient a Junk on a Portals cherry,
in that Tunnel of Shape is it the Haunted House for at the Reality it is a Riders Short,
to understand that the Deck the Coil on the Base is Not a caustic Raise!!

Ping pong Net to that enter Web is it the Spider on the Cob,
does that barn of the Island a product of the grey to real being for that Ignoring on the Creed,
paints for the Wares in the Hard Knock of life A Sentence in the Rigor for the Singing I got Say.

Chortle to that Shake and bright the Tune a Bring as that is the Radio on fun to sportiers learned,
phrase this Pool to sticks and Snooker as that is Called The Games!!

Clue is a King Normans scene to Toys restricted bust,
a block Par tee is Snoopy and Charlie is the dame,
wishbone to Jack Russel proper the Slammer slams the Grained.

Rubber boots Buckets shoot to Hobblers on the Meow,
a cat in that is not a Hat but that will do for grow!!

1950 World War II the thought that End was not a Jag,
but that the Science in the Locale was moved to Grate a joan,
in that saddle of the Bid does the gamble Harbor,
fern to Twitch is the Money belt or on the Milk 'E' Way`d.

Sew lar brought a Steer to wheel on the Corporations burned,
trump of Sand to count the stands Shoulders do have brains,
Minds that Know that I am in the Most Serious of this Fought,
be Warned my Clear to friendly Fries as Mcdonald Farmed.

Ole the Song at Anchor Train to jobs of Cribs and Barrels,
a service on the door of calm is ready for the Panther,
as that is Hell's Angels knowing that the Motor Cycles Libbing,
nestle to this That Tattoo and Realm the leather bringing,
for Prison in a Country that does Use the process Dump In`d!!

Scour minuet to the Sour and be a frame of Dough,
as the Seed of Boudins Truth is taste and always Baking.

Fresh Air is the breeze on the Pier of Clarity,
as that is the 39th of a friend in Deuce,
dark are the Hours roam on dg for the Cliffs,
edge to Harp the loss of Smile that Hurts more than giving,
pole it Ticks to loan Wool and Fray the duh of Eh a platter,
the dish of dusters that hugged my worth without a price or Salads.

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