Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For Get And For Give

Idol Lies the 'Civil War' as a Bat told of the cave Inch this touch a Reality on the Human Race,
an Ism or an Ist or is the Truth of EST in that the Jack Tar is on the Van Ness at The City Hoss Toll,
is this the Knee grow to A stand that Passes the Watts to Electric as the Shoulder of the Hark,
such the flag at the Part of the deaths that have Pronounced a Con on the Troll as Application of Stint!!

Braggards often Place the Case to the Library on the Framer,
guild that dock and Stipulate this portion to that Grimm Tale of Cause Ticked,
the Clock wound Mouse the erase said Store the rifle spoke Gun and than the Bull barfed.

As the Rancher Knows Cows have Four Stomachs to Chew digest and chew Again,
that is the Message of the Root telling Route that this is a ridiculous Vicious round,
So flight of the Con fed a Rate then the bolt thundered the Lock,
a lighting for the Crossed on that Tent in the Stride never Is the charge as the Vernal black Starred!!

Cars in the Veracious appetite of bytes An Engine in denial is the spoke of the Muffler,
at the garage of the Smog the Inspection of the Silence herd drive With down to that faster by the logged,
shall the Park enter Redwood the Concrete of the Shake is that then the decks of a gauge on this Skate ed,
names with the Mark currs a Purr to wrap Burr Ritz cheese from Are mur boar grand to Take the tassle Sealed.

Until this Compass of South at the Freeze Recognizes blast The Country will Not admit the Score,
add to that Victual a priest on the Altered this is a Cold Civil War by pre Said densed.

Thicket on the Sport is branches of the Rinse Pin a Donkey snots a Mule but a Horse gots a drag,
rake to that Pro to Call the Neigh bore Hood of anchored Media is pumping the fist much like a Zen`d.

Riding to that Process increased publication To engage further the threats in Quiet Scenes,
in that Back to Basic fact a gift on the Posed is being Frank with every Cart the Harness and the Faked.

Eye Wink a brow lee to Field of the Guns Canons on the Bib a Cole and transfers with a Sale,
money Belts that Zip of Crest to not just light the Matches book that is the Congress`d spin,
in Any other Sir Come Stance the Map would clearly State that War is War is War is War and War is War of lined.

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