Tuesday, June 23, 2015

See you later Alligator in A while Crock^a^Dial the muni on the Court of Work in memory of a Door,
as that is the State of the In Form of a House than I front to the World this as An Tank,
shall the Purpose of the Clyde on the Banks of the Tide be of that System of the Operators Maul,
than Cast this a Script and be of that Creed,
making a lagoon that is Real and it Brinks!!

This would be no challenge as the West is known for Venture,
that horse on the tack is that In Car Nation of the Fact,
as the deed will Tell the rats on Reins in being of the Stool,
I'll pigeon that to Truth in Day to Iron that a Case!!

There is no library to this Speak easy on the Supper,
as Haw is left on the Mule a Wii to Finnish dutch,
in this be Hand on MANY lives as this is More's suggest,
that nobody Cats to Clay as any Can do Cycle`d.

I land this to that Simplicity & Up the location Vega,
to the Solar of the Sun I branch the Cosmic Sole'd,
great are the Times of Ages brought to laughter,
the Chuck of Cheese those Wierds on Whoa's but Is Not the term of Learned.

At this blanket Chorus the Stress Upon the Alder is as I State to Ole ang Sing that Torque is Of a Taurus,
Now do not Worry for the Fact that Journeys are a Took but as that Rate the Scout said skin and Tones be found at Lo kay shuns,
even on divide the tiers of eyes will Strength the Earth as flu,
to temper on the arch remember this is a short on route,
as that is compass with a Jade be Steady on the keeper,
a bridle to that Bits and peace is Riding on For Life!!

Skaters Off Ten will sing that Brace to communicate the Pieces,
that say and See to Terminal the Trains that Know the Crossing,
hand that per Sound to echo Home be letter to a Cork the Message is as that Cinder,
the wall of Trade the sliding Door remind the Mind of steering,
this is a Swimming Pool of Cools the Member and the ration.

Cue the bureau of the pork Bacon had its Sizzle,
the boarding house that leg I had a Stirrup for the kicker,
in that the Clement gave a Price yet the Cost was truth,
prepare for deep and keep it Week a knews that drones the Capers.!!.

Paddles are the Ores on Read the Trees the For EST lather,
a road to Stain the Glass at Pane describes the ever Stealth,
be Why's to Porch the deck of Lane as Scour is a throat Stall,
yet on the Map the Other tell is that the Last Name bells!!

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