Monday, June 15, 2015

Sigh Leants Of The Lams'

Its Time to Iron this Piece on the Sole Ode,
for that is the Facto of a Cat on the Hard Sheets of Prison,
to count that Chorus on the choir Well that seat to a Saddled!!

Greed has brought this Country to its knees and the Prop did the burble,
on the soil in the dirt of the Televised boa,
a squirt to that sample crib of the doctor on the pam Phlets' lyre,
creased to docket the Stip along with the ease of ewe lay shunned,
to Query that blast of blame to that Or in the prompt dutch this Apple as the shark on the Cow`d.

The Gregorian to that dapple fair on the Horse parade in that is the Catholic shocked,
for in the Temple of the Wire the steam on the Shoot is a stability of shore,
on the balance of the Timids of the lean The Christian Muslim`d with a Catholic on the Side of Ang!!

Treble Clept to drum a a Sep,
tore to Viking the Mount of Dead Men,
the dance the More the dignity the lore,
an urban legend left from the deadly spike of contracted likes!!

Stagger this preamble to each and every word having that base route to stink the fund,
the sidewalk to Say a garden in a plate,
the Bull on the Stag is a Purple grade of Venture`d to Know that my best friend Had a strung,
but the World rapes ether to gas the oxi with bleach of the sterile spinners on the dried lept.

Numbers on the Ass burro on the Harn to the Ness of the Loch its a Dam,
pulls with that Camp Purr to that Swells as the groovy say it is Capitalized,
wall street Jure knoll,
the Threw to a Tuba on the Cosmic cube!!

Ton Naps to kids the Goat and the Show,
see gening to that food on the flounder as the voice pipes supper on the sheed,
flocks of death to that Ply`t of crept these are the Slowly`s,
blues in the record to that Vie knolls light!!

Spic on Span the Ram on Can a Stall on the Barn is a Butters Rump,
vaulting on the treat to smart the lunge with a grip to that Circus of equipped,
the Thought on the Trainers that began this language OH for the tubs,
a special.

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