Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Miles On

I whelp the scene on Whom stays the monitors of the Monitor`d on a Land,
is it the Outing of the deny of Society on the Tims,
is that find of the Camera lends the Eyes blinking Win,
or is the Fact that a gut will Tell the Scenery that berth is a Trend!!

Does that San Francisco Fax being on this Candor of the Faced,
is that Address of the House on the Hill or the Voice,
is that sound of NO ECHO as loud as Jack Tar,
a Hotel California that Balcony of par!!

Did you grab your groin and cough for the Pharmaceutical,
did you bleach the Hydrant while Milking the Waved,
did the See on the Congress of the 60's just Beam,
to that life list on Coffee to Touch Down of Screen.

Dollars and Dollars coin Upon Coined,
the jingle of bells and that vote of a sign,
is that belt of the loop Purr on the balance of horse,
is that I land preview the Slide or The Grove??

Is The Event touch the Museum or that Golden Gate Park Concourse,
is Stow Lake for Gotten or is this just a Piebald at the Pull oh Fields Track,
that Ancient bearing of Ore a Calls on the Opera of Max`d,
of Course thats not Reality as Whom needs the Tiff,
as natural is natural and natural perks naturally to the nature of known.

My Mother referred to It as Discernment,
the ability to be of a Foundation not in one,
that is the Honesty of this being a Bit piece,
the seat that must balance this ride Called life.

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