Thursday, October 22, 2015

Car ^Ole Say^Gun

Gee A Nome man U Fact jury read is off that simple bank called len^knee^edge,
blinking eyes pew poles fried duck pore shins,
raising verbs label one dyed Say bull.

 Of the brain on the showers of pass part A call,
digs to statues of grain rolling Rust touch pebbles string to Beach the bed Creams,
soft package delivery on pinch shale in chalk,
stored in the Spy Null flew Id of skulls,
be that Straights crate Of bones and goal`d,
the chain lynx is shall the in sure Milk the Bullvines of sword^did gulls.

Grit brings with tap a shackle to arms,
 the shoulder once Cranes lilt,
hugs of Horror grown just puts to the lease a language Scoured Mess^Edge,
while burr^thing Tongue, wagging the more's,
onto that Thrush in gauge The frog on a Horse's hoof,
say slowly the amber of And Elephants theirs the Willow Trees Wind duh of a sync^Crow^NIS^City,
thoughts of & origin that harbor of said to cork dark Hour with a sake Breezing bell^owse minute scrub.

Letter by let Urd process of led,
drinking that cent Troll till doll Giants Fold^dead,
 telling the passage of price on the Knows.

Antlers on velvet the rubbing of Cocks,
rooster cog^burns showing the pistons of slopped,
muds to miles of measure that crop,
whips braggarts and lops of leaf in the severed.

Now at the hour of Nobody kicks,
fly's on that desert purchase Wind on the bee's,
strung to steep ankle the Heel of seed,
up comes this bank that clay fossils deed,
dessert is the means.

Grubs to talk Worm once an appropriation of bid,
water that salt did to Fish in the skids,
pork belly laughter to snort chortle read,
look its a Sentence that paragraphs fed,
pigeons on brae`s Zen dried in the squab,
flying the proverb to spelling the gog.

Heave to the Carrot stick on the gave,
sweet honey syrup The tap of drains sheep,
drill sap to Tree maples Pine nuts like beep,
road runners Jay birds that peek on the sats.

Dish in the clear comb Hare Owe or pea,
pilots that dead-in's to platters and dealt,
minute rinse waltzing with stars in chores wed,
steer are the Cat toll of clause wake of bid.

How many lives are lived in the stretch of the lamp Shade of sun bursting energy seer?

Could this be a Reference to caller identification at toe simplicity,
Thumb Tax,
the grains of trees that show in the burl,
The Rings of fire and brings that shelf off the Scale in storage Called mail,
a Post off Is Glaciers with Scene.

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