Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Is A Mountain But A World On Loan

Some in the lung on an ability of said have disk arch aprons that string to a sole,
the bearing of North of south to the Pole brings in the pants an empty to lead,
to sad for that daze forgotten and be Tray`d service to speak or that quote off a sku,
perhaps it is simple the step of just slot,
dropping no stanza like the shoulders of Co. which in letter is called face to face of be bold.

This World of colds Sniffles and flew,
a foot caste that designed no growing for grinned,
frozen at acting to bing that sing bong,
happens to scores of Aces that tight.

Wrapped up in photo's to mirror on the Wall,
dancing with jeeves to bank the prevent,
break a coddle of a word with an in,
place of that At cent is the verb on a Nerve.

Cogs on the horseshoe for grass at slip tack,
iron of same yet on the stir light,
name tell the Noun that The Drink is a limb,
off of the land does The Pier hold to jam.

Tires on the pylons telephone pulls strong,
loving the docks of those Ships that streak Cairn age,
rocks on the roll to know of the deck,
sand beaches waving an ocean of lakes!!

Sewn in by lands locked is common bean light,
corn bushels Turkeys the lumber of try,
Mountains shed Valleys in Canyons heard grand,
aye the draw bridge to Allowance of Tug.

In order of Solar the Sun on the bare,
a sky that is dreaming of Moons on that dare,
loving the Universe of systems that seat,
more than the compass of dead by deaths leap`d.

Hopping Frogs Toads Snails shore Sheep,
ba Ram hum bug the whistle of grubs,
worms talking trades a Butterflies lull,
bee's in the buzzard of Hummingbirds bull.

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