Monday, October 12, 2015

Fire A Way And Drink Mi Good

Watch the Tend of Mechanics say lecture of that hand Jobs an service,
the rotary dial on that is the shark Tank of truth to know of the Net,
an Opera of in strobe is the Big Ben that built by design to keep Miens of grin Ich band Width,
on that is the Once About the Tale of flea Hop gnaw,
knocking the Weight by Compass go founds!!

Wrist a shout digits Talk from basic Moon shining drinking Flout,
as the whistle is of light House to hark the ground is of a suit on that make in's mesh,
each woven speak is tight An type that is are More's ready to Pool Tables stick.

Choose theses as an Antlers said to Season the Tree is of rub A dub daisy on bulbs Skunk,
even Possum announced the ink lean to tax A pawn knee faced,
while Chess is Made of Many positions on that depth of Thought to moves,
it is the Slinkee that is Able to Stair,
the Monopoly of stitch bought living over steer,
Look! a Cat toll guard for the cent of a Tellers pie lawns Filed.

Dominoes Hour a read to that Newspaper Delivery of Ferry Tale,
dance the symphony to Noun,
a product ad Vent shin with the Boots,
there goes the chim Chin a roof,
fiddle on that is the steel string guitar speaking play that Metro Dom,
a B.D.S.M. at root.

Crossword Puzzles,
scrabble a plasters lathe,
Cobs on that are the Fells found for Saddle and Strength,
a piaffe is the dressage letter that encompasses total ring,
an Arena that Text to Say,
the Eventers Tack is of Sake!!

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