Monday, October 12, 2015

Shark Netting Has Its Day For The Grow Sir All Sew

Ease on the how to raise the far to an attain on the fax touch a wings back,
down Up to that tack,
on that fly to On feathers of the Height that each Hello grants to the Floors on deck,
park that shocker with the Watch.

Trades on wall street with a safety,
over the whale of the tone,
strap on's once a tell a phone,
give lift an Opening & at sat the store.

Round about to grasp the form of type knits,
as the sail is of virtue talk,
apron string singing with that width of hi Wires waltzing,
is the par done.

A choir is able to Under stand,
that elbows arm,
receipt is the groundings while tremendous is in frost,
a bring dress is that jacks be leave a^bull knowing of that Keep.

Feat say that the elephant is ain^core room,
board tables,
its the Coffee on the grind that flavors the sync to spice a sturdy,
favorite Saucer to that ewe tube snap,
fin ger Men that Applaud the Wind as the actual Airwaves gear read.

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