Monday, October 19, 2015

Sew Sea All Lo Gee And Enter Net So Shall Sciences

Classical of the opera once a pause the store read,
aye red play boy for the Art it culls,
that is the plause A bull deny a bill A tea In deeds.

Thrush in the Cock Tale of Cain In able Delivered frogs As eh bee Verd edits Cleaved,
Tip a coal of IM burr Tied that dust jacket of a Move V to Numbers lied To Tide all dibbed,
charters of Nasal for the Blow hole of a Mow be Dick.

Wine bare olds stage to Deck & porridge Gruel with bar side Man Yurts,
that gee Puff the Magic drag On,
anchor full of boiling hiss ease touching spank the pad dole sip Penned.

A paddock fill leap,
the watch Clock on hands some,
the Come up Ins off Théa add Urd,
a try Ton of thrust inch whirl`d switch on be Dee 'S' em.

Script to combs puts to Beep howling ki Oh tease,
while pants a Zip per rubbed it Work out,
thus the staple is of pebble on the Stoned rattlers Clique to slag.

Other wise Know in A bout,
off fir`d The Pine Knee as caught,
the Tip a Coal Fee Mail Body In spect tore Touch Fie fid dulls drum Ming.

Use to Press the Tape too In sure ad Hearing,
the sod dured method often stained Glass Wind dough from Eye phones Wit Tolled,
to Create the desired art works on the Role lexicons.

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