Sunday, November 8, 2015

Its Not Left For The Connection Its The Face Of Locale To Be Comforted By/With The Surroundings And In Edition To Connect The Can

Expansion on this writing of truth verses the locale of what I know I have in a send,
it is the volume of this that will continue to produce,
in Newspaper Article touching the Syndicate of sewn Syndication by the Compass of Nautical land, for this World is of a large bearing to the Earths floor,
men in History took to the Ocean to from to arrive on calmer shores,
in the lens of sandy beaches Wares,
relaxed to encompass the sound.

At this I pour to improvement of the Adventure,
for not a person is in interest to the constant of a hand,
as time moves the clock towards further isolation I realize that its the logic staff that will know,
Machu Picchu a far and A Way to regard the beauty of life as a swing to laughter and hugging real people,
loving the future I spin no wool for the worth is in the work to deliver.

Gently the Wind breeze,
that Mountain say of a friend in the journal of A day,
paragraph to chapter,
living with great frame to shoulder myself,
I venture with more than stupid wishes I simple know of more on the basis of loving existence.

Being aware that friends have gone to other countries to ride and be Clinicians I am excited,
the Horse is a wonder marker,
the fact touching able to move in this World of . . . . 
as many have not grown to growing circumstances of a year to state park road,
its the A task ka dare owe that counters my part in this crest Ton to believe reason chorus,
wisdom on the drive that spoke to Future as the breadth.

Waited for the respond in this decade it is the honest found that brought channel,
the station to identification as every Clock has a date to be plan,
these are note streams to a particular area that Mailbox that once held my attention in strength of direction,
movies Films patience Satellite hours are bells,
there I put a type writer to the key board on what is a beautiful understanding of piece,
to discuss conversation thus on-going width comprehension 2015 year of The ram.

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