Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pinterest: Discover Tweezer's Hop Skip The Jump Per Zebra Tell Lynn Zee Duh

So E!^Cent^Show^Lee in our country The Outbreak once Calling 'Move^Ease' a Thee^Ate^Tour of E!^Bowl^Uh.
ABC said In^Bee^Sea at Price Cost Touch^EAN See^Be^S wall^Upped the pew^bic Hares,
the A^Free^Cain^Knee^An spoke Chi^Ole,
than that Con^Tin^Nints yank^Key chained the Toe to the brow of American ignorance on the Lily Horns Toad.

Commercial Break an a message from this special Broad cast eh IM see

One of the most curious of Peruvian examples is Huayqui, located in the Andahuaylillas museum one hour south of Lima. Her head was the size of her torso, ...
*note the site is in the meow^role for flavor of call^lure, a nice soylent green pail.

About 1,210,000,000 results (0.44 seconds) 

The Mangbetu Head Shaping took no Part Tick Cue lure Postcard as the practice was this Absolute on the process to a Age old Tradition dating all the Way back to the E!&Jip^Shin in America.

The basic pill for pre^scrip^shin was sky net,
Are Knoll Shoe Warts a Neigh grr,
could Hard Lee be Leaf It!! images:

Prince was The Sign and that said Pen rest owe Weight it was Take to. . . 
an important station identification barter on wall streets fare
Alton Brown uses Pinterest to tackle game day recipes
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and the photo was App. Lee named Pi!!

pi.jpg at From Pinterest for GLAMs: Europeana’s Experiment 

From that Beck to the O'Rielly religion Rammed out a Arm^More to spread like the Ding^a^Lean'g Tree,
buy bib^a^cole Pro^Pour^Shun the State^Hood of Kansas Monkey skit Scribbles Scrabble bought Boom broom Rake,
round to the E!^Bull ^Awe an All Caps,
the Sew^duh Pocketed to Men^Towel^(A)^Tee curled dreads ache Reparations,
the Radio great A Len Combs.

Oop's snap Crack^Coal pop where did the Side Wind^Dure chute,
must have bee Ices,
I mean poe lease to the Cab burr,
at The Doors of the In Vase^Shin,
speaking Greek like a Row^Man spoke to the Chewed Gum of Den^Chores rush Limb^Ba!!

Just scent the Cruise spooked the big 'Edge of Tomorrow' on HBO,
in^tire Film did The Jerk,
muse^sick^cold to the Iron sides of a Lunge,
ring on the Finger crews Mare^Reed flutes of blank^Its and Dial,
the Slope came Right a long mass^stir^bay^shun^kneeing,
the Catholic flew to Mexico pa^roo Toll`d Australians and the Ex^Factor dye^Vest^did,
the Hole World spread a Con^Tag^Jung??,
no sad lee said in had to been that con^fed^Ur^ret Flag on the Pole doing that Last Custard for the Mane Stream,
know it was just smoke signals on the Indian for the Jew in a Christian Nation of Media and Sue.^Were's.