Sunday, February 21, 2016

Who's The Mimic Now Cruise??

Awe the Boards so Full of folded sud Toll that Christianity does not recognize the muzzle,
scene it to the 1930's & say to your Sleeves these Simple Note shuns,
Aim Mi SIM Pole Mic. Fear Sun.

Ask Kent Fill Pot what of the Reaction to Any Strong Revolution as In the 1960's San Francisco,
the Gees US Freaks buses and Treats??,
that arm of the Spear A Chew Ole to that Streets on The Take,
snap Crack Cull Pop,
there is the Serial Car.

Whats In Your Pock It,
chicken or Zee duh,
knew Or leans,
the E! bowl Ah,
that Cans US,
the Haul Lee Wood,
to taste Vernacular the Pop must Know.

San Francisco Mounted Police Stables knew me personally,
my pony Freckles was a P.O.A.,
stabled at the Paddocks,
I road All-Over the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco California,
went to Stow Lake to Purchase.

Now hour 6:06 AM the Date is February Twenty-One Two-Thousand Sixteen.

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