Monday, March 21, 2016

Is It Pete Tour Had A Tools Depth To Kiss^Sing . . . .

Sew to the House of Prime Rib for the Aging Meet,
as the Cocktail of Tom Cruise is Oblivion I AM more On the Obvious,
so station to Identification is Stare^Ole as the X is the App. Pull to Text the Tack,
harness the Rein and Hames,
mark the Sled as a Carriage,
tracks to that Racecourse of the Gallop Poles??,
its the Miss^Shin IM possible to Tax^Ease know precision of the Cuts,
for the Template on current Commercial Advertisement from the Dentist^Tree Roast,
is a per^Tee little Shine^knee to In Core^pus be Blown.

That cap to the Top per the staff of Straws on the IM^Plants plausable Deny a bill a Tea,
than the tie^knee tools to Watch,
the Tie^Mex on the Bat^tour^read,
sell the Tact^Tile to the Pope's Nose,
turkey at El a Font Cost the Thimble buy Rose!!

Dance Sing to grinding on John Oliver's leeks,
soup per the scatter*tour*ring is Major Garrett talk Folks,
is the Pump^Pen on glasses or the Hi^Heels with scope,
that wriggle^Lean rapture to the A poke a Lips lane,
that is the Last Week latch Night to that date on the Cream,
fact^tore^read Co.^pen^knees to speak^keen to Planned,
grate to that Knows^bleed or the Ladder day Say^ain'ts,
pros^pear^it^tee Factor to the Voice on the board.

Nor^Raw Owe Dawn Knoll took learn to the Clothes,
dressing Accord^Dean to the bravodo gone Sport,
that cool spoke Kin to George,
it defines Clooney before the goat Shoed.

That just brings Haul^Lee^Wood as the Limb^burr of Scratch,
Chevy Chase the Origin of sprouts,
look to Wikipedia for the Town on the Grouts,
it does not say Men^lo park as the Crowd did that Slaw,
cabbage on Mick the aye rush to bough,
is the Pay^per Mills valley by Spread??.

Cross the legs at the Crutches Sole lure on Baits Mow^Tell??,
no 'cause again the big Gate on the bridge called it Out,
sign^in^tall^lo^gee just In^Be^Seed shields,
showing that Brook is a steady for Tau.

Therefore by the way of path Waves to a Brain,
L. Ron Hubbard would gauge the Soapbox as Trout,
fish EAN the Corker ob Bot toll Knows Mess Sage,
that is the Tinker of Tom Cruise on this BOUT.

Nor Fountain of ripple of drop lines at drip Ping the Movie Theater to scribble that Scribe,
for the better to Talk is the Cents and the Leaves??,
Park kin Sun Rode to penny a Word??,
the riders of the Future just Acted a Poe`d,
increasing the Hem Means to swim for the Sharks,
no 'cause Travolta did SAT^Tour^Day Knight LIVE.

At what Time of the Aye Earn is the Flake on the Bale,
alfalfa or cuttings for Cows and the grow,
seven to Eight is the Commoners row,
bring Gin and join the Joint on a Crow,
lyrics and Music to twist in the guts??,
no 'cause its as Ob.^V^US as the Ewe^Nite^id States Bust!!!!!!!

The Picture of Health to the Pass squall of the Berry,
is Drew on the Photo graph of little House on the Prey^read,
therefor by the Segway to ridden,
the In word to sigh Call the Press^sure by Vitamins,
'cause Zacharias was You See on Internal Med. A Syn,
that Cat Food was Plenty to PetsMart and Cost,
29 Cents to the dollar Day joke,
but it is the Best of Show for New York at the Cadbury Cloaks??,
like a byte of chalk^a^lets to the Media by frames,
Wares of Mat Louder the New staff At punch??,
'cause Pictures are purr Festival for the Working Man KNOWN,
those Concerts that sang Ki^Ole to brains that say Gross,
that being said it remains to be clue??,
no 'cause the games played so activity that I still have the Poker peanuts for Plates,
those dry E! Race boreds on CBS, NBC and CBS have sheds to that Worlds serious Differentials,
making Time on the knews to Highlight BDSM as the Jay^Oles for Coal^Burn to Promise Sari Notes on the Screws??,
no its just the Scrooges that can't stand the Honest & just frigid at nailing the cross sect^shin Outs!!


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