Friday, March 4, 2016

Why At Trophy??

Tread on the Country of the Mind in the Mental Variable it is the brain at the Pawn,
is the Chess for the Snap pen branch the avenue of a graph to Taffy fee for the press a dents,
it comes touch,
a hand is the palm,
a beach to the grain,
sands on that is the wrinkle in the eye.

While a bored game went to the posture of shoulder ringing lens,
shades be came,
that is the process of what peep Pulls are in the hours of discussions,
conversations clue to eye browse a trial of the system mat ticks,
pulse be frame.

The heat on that foot Prints to the food,
making mix of parm a suit a coal to strain,
as that fed in the bull regard put lie cents to a stencil,
the draw went to etch and the scars said owe Oz^scar.

Depth of groove to Vinyl record files wick be Car knee Yaw,
pence to pocket rice with that oat in the wheat of sweets,
owl Fowl fa the singer strung kites with sticks and stones,
that spools a thread to fie burr with a sound??.

Nigh these grand Dures,
tough are the gums,
stomachs make kin Tripe with beans and Tore Tee awe's down,
dye Jest shin or is that digestion left to right the round,
showing to the rasp a wrench in tug boat Town.

Should that Jah^Coo^Zee for letter write a Storm,
does than the Ocean lake to bay the la Goon with Christmas land,
box Zing day wit bank Keen brae Are ask the Dawn key bound??,
harness with the Bit??,
bridle saddles ready??,
girth the cinch or preparation alphabet to Consonants and ground.

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