Saturday, June 25, 2016

Look To Your Left And Know You're Write???

Note to Self: This post was written on my google blog 'The Secret of the Universe is Choice; Know Decision by I, Karen Anastasia Placek and held in draft until 'Published June 25th, 2016'. At and for my reference to the many more posts in 'the hold' google time stamp on my acer laptop computer running Windows to say the time is 
6:06 AM to date and state Published Now. Original and free write done by I on June 20th, 2016.

Stretch to the law on a sphere in just this galaxy as the Universe sleeps,
to Wares of the Cosmic Fountain a hint of minors' nap,
those shallow sounds off a slip with sand ask the Falls??,
night the hour of what??,
the Sun is bright to shining on a steady Say!!

Round on the shores Heel??,
is the speak of particle a flood to the hooves at their Stand,
the shoulder of Haunch to engage the Endeavour of breadth,
bridles to plow the Field of a place that is in an inch once a mile smell!!

While mucking the Stall at the barn of Stable,
a pitchfork for the Wheel bare.Role has brought people to condemn the Land,
yet the straw is embraced.

Strange how the stars on the outer leap to explode the lights as a face with Antelope graced,
Elephants fancy a Firm staff of cadence to the Ancient Balance of patience,
lions roar touching the grumble??
or is it the purr of a Dragons taste on that distant scar??,
these are the magnets that draw to Human Beings the Wilds on a special treat to be Form??,
did that noise deepen the vein on a walk around in the rain,
was that snow flake decor,
does the valley soar to temperature of the mountains sigh.

Oh how Friends sing with gentility of magnified,
grounds of dirt with beautiful seas to habit a find,
the method that only Orion may Witness to such define.

Shall the file of shale be the exit marrow of a cent,
than the copper of elements salt must breeze to a sill,
speech of rock to stone of pebble making sand the print of more than scene,
thus a river on lumber searches with creek to raft gears,
timber becomes a teller of that vista with each cliff note for a trek,
marsh in bog of ancients library taught of volcanic songs,
bring the stream and on that babble one will envelope mirrorly a Majors' keen!!

Jest wealth as today should that hug the ownership of Well,
for the pail to a bucket of knew,
I place on this wonder a found,
the learn as the teach and the day as an ever tide to what is precious find,
the words of the Ancients delivery on those dimes to be of sewn to the planet and soar,
oh how I miss those bellows of fire,
the sparks that Ember within my sigh of real clay,
for that it is the earth on a hemming way,
yet I know that this is where people have discovered that the stitch to heal will Tear.Us!!

Bit.Tour Truth often brings a Compass with a root to understand the Leaves,
for Trees in grand Forest or the Groves at a jungles edge,
the fantastic Banyan or a Birch that knows the Oak,
Manzanita touching in the sway of Eucalyptus,
so many more that sing to this fan as the Wind in a chime,
or is it just the opposite ribbon on that guard of a storm to say ride??

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