Monday, February 17, 2014

Intercom Self

It is inevitable to say goodbye in this life and I am grateful for knowing whomever I have been fortunate enough to meet in person.  Whatever life ends up being about, it certainly isn't about living, it's about surviving long to know that this is a temporary stay to determine our next move.  We all die as it is so eloquently put by the World.  We all return to our source or our origin or wherever you think it is you are from or going to, how that measures up with the statement 'we all die' I don't know because that seems to be a twisted fit in this weird reality of existence.  The only magic about 'life itself' is that it ends.  I happen to believe in 'The Continue' not an everlasting damnation for sins I never committed.  I believe that we are accountable and therefore responsible for our actions or lack thereof.  Should a person chose not to believe that lives do not go around/incarnate/reincarnate somehow than that is their prerogative.  However for those of us that believe in so much more we do not appreciate being called a heretic or a fool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sheer profundity!