Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pull Land Sat

My Grandmother taught me on the watch a Stitch in time Saves nine in the Sock of darn,
as the stream on the Means is in the age of Arch in feet touch the walk on Primordial leak,
form in the cause to Twenty-Two address my Mother chose for groove too Breathe,
in said of duck to jump the Fence at a specific lean in Mint to Peek the back of Door`s in Hinge,
thus the Carolands come to Mind in the binder of the Prime as booked to Proper Ream.

Sense to Mail as the letter on the born to ever steady next on street across from deed,
the House of 666 in Keep,
as the pass of stare and path I troubled much to speaking Fudge,
these Talls that spoke of balls the Bounce to up in born an Edge to ledgings,
put worth to flip for in the Coin it's 999 the Head of set at the ridge of a Thousand Seat.

Trust no shock as Eclectics rock to the trim of Millennial spot,
dress the clause with brand of Law taught by basic Bottle stop,
pop the Canister idea of wrap is the Foil on the Tap,
rims to Protection for fresh is kept on & at the found of Text,
sent to File on the while asked a favor got a Taker now the munch is Crop.

Bat a Zip with the whip a Saddle on the girth of grip,
calves that squeeze to Impulsion freeze moves the Horse with such great ease,
kick a spur the Spoon is herd dusk train Eyes to search disc. Guise,
simple lessons from the start that Games became the Teeth in part,
ask`d my Grandfather on the lark with my look the broth of Cart.

Oak that picture with the Photo of the stand in On the plan,
rocks with lizards running Tan makes the branch a deal hand,
sweep the Drive as brooms are ride know the Park it swings to shark,
down the Hill for fun the drink yet on return remember the Think,
all in the Days of Trout on reel bait the Pond and hook is lawn.

The Porch 

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