Saturday, September 6, 2014


Time in Omega is Alpha Begin ink in the Planet of bursting at Hem,
trouble of the Age in Rain.

Pouring a Fountain is concrete in the State as Statute of penny,
the Coin on the Page,
palm of the Tree in an Oil on tick,
clocks that prove Task in the Feat of a Stick.

Trade with the Venue the crowd is a Flick,
plate in the Wrinkle a brow on the kick,
push as the Polar of bears that scene Moved,
the melting of Changers to the money of theme,
have Banked on the Steam that Tidal of deem.

Rail the Stone with body Henge loan,
volley the racket to Cell in as the Phone!!

Be 'Cause' of the World at dusk on the Turn,
shells that did bring will burl like a Ring,
fires on the Beach of any at Point,
lift the Wood to Speak to Warn of the Fleet.

Like crackling Flames that jump in the Breathes,
different than Flowers closing to Key,
a sort of file in Elements Proof of the Pile.

Branch the leg touch Thigh to a need,
for in the Stump a crutch is a bead,
watch ask the Clock is the Temperature clean,
no said the Sun for the timber is Ream.

Tank in the pass at the Tunnel of clap,
wheels that tread on the desolate path,
rodes in the Spring go Year around sing,
the Purpose of Wisdom is blocking the Fling.


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