Saturday, September 6, 2014

Uber Awes'

Brake the shine to speak the Thigh at the rip of read inside,
the flesh talk bone as the brim of a screw in happened true,
certain to the stand of Man ask the Question spank the plan,
burrow grope the Flounder class Net the phish a Cob based.

Ride the Fuck times of stuck in the Structure thunder buck,
creation shot the Arch of thought right to left called it Walk!!

Put that Crib by the taught sponge the start stitch it dark,
born to breeze with ample leads chord those`d phlegm,
at the cough of Real chalk on the Outline of the crock,
molded crumb to stool Munch thumb I'd be A Nu.

Look to watch the Ankle lock,
spoke in spot the Fire of clot,
get the Farm of Berkeley Yarn,
the bucket of a Nurses darn.

Owe the back bread the powder`d Cloth,
rise in See as read is broth,
make a seen at the cost,
branch the shoe like a Due.


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