Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Cable Calls

Be free of the temptations smile on the frown of longer mile the shape will be the Frame,
square to base shoulder held as the hugs are general called by offer of the warm of still,
in chills of bumps the Swan a trump to cross the sign by goose & span from see to aye in sleeve,
by the barn in stable clean a mucker for the pitchfork come a shovel in the under stand a loft.

Parking hot to sweat in broth the swing joke cools of heels trot to the bend of ankle got,
on the shorter time the leather punch a jump Course with the stadium Standard poles in cup,
at the strike of hi the Noon be the better of the New game the shake to hand in move,
be of character not a Fool for that is the class of logistical pools and all do know the drown.

To breath the lung with panic sum drain nothing but the sink,
at temple of the thought to Cliff be of wisdom reason dish,
ice cream Melts cones are stealth the Spoon of ladle in the bell,
keep the call to dial Tone look to Watch the bare must bone.

In carved at sketch the walls of chalk trick the speak and know the rye,
in wheat of Oats touch the field in Alfalfa bales yield,
in the disc of tractor scrape be the learner bring the nope,
to conversations on the drink reason to the Plank of lens,
as the ship begins to spin bottom Up to seat the gut,
these lanes are on those Boulevards that Van Ness Avenue sawed straight Through.

Cart of carp the Fish of shout a store to shop the paper route,
with front the Porch and back the Door stare the ace of deal the pore,
simple pea of pods that green think to the thumpers lean remember the rabbit,
touchdown as the goal is nerve to a rail on the curb,
built by concrete worn with tire hear the roar of engines Wild,
corn to mind in lathe of grind baskets in the Veg of place,
rolling shelves with piled lay take the bungee rubber saved.
steep are latters to the plug as the goings plunder jugged.

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