Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Addressing the sky as the stars shined that song in the little of The Bitsy a sample,
the sun clearly bright asked the moon begged along as the fluster of sign Clouding the mine,
in at the base which was planetary race Feat on the Solar systems Universe.

Tracing with my finger to outline the graph checking the galaxy adding some math,
rulers in degree of the compass on a Cope shadows of the living in full is is a the door,
remainders in arithmetic Metric or the Inch crawling on the calculators a Mind in draw.

So the chalk of the bloodlines sorted dawn to rise afternoon in Taurus & Persephone is home,
called to reservation the book of Flours much in yield of the honesty military brushed,
suited on the drag a strong thought to my Self be gone yet in the delve of scription a shone.

First the outer length of Elemental spar was Sword of the ankle than he bended tar,
oiled for mechanical the chain of elbow Thigh bones in the basic thrust did open Inner eye,
how odd the Capricorn of Shade in discussion of the roof a crown or lid to skull the bid.

Traipsing over Dales to Cosmic by design a true storm of the bigger scene a picture by the sigh,
ancient in construction wall the medal of a life marking on the melded stone a dreamy extra tuft,
fetter fires in the roll a law to very stuff To be the constant in the fold is to teach the gruff.

As dimensions are society in Civilizations brew shank the Halt with esp the shall speak of lust,
knowing of the Hate in Man extension of a Tongue ready Trans frying sand resembles this in bust,
sharking down from Sky^Hi the power strikes the rough dependent on the touch of spin a Gerry.

Hot the sweat of pick up rates in Pace a sauce of left in case The Mural,
sticky track to glue the rack on Elmer's or the Grove Ur skit on street of sesame seed,
buns of stacks on Rows of jacks the smell of sourdough in fact A Scent.

Wares in times of early finds rare in miss for Fog persists that was the Sky`Port said,
triggered by the whole in Time a draft was blowing on the cove A Bay to in the deep,
audio of Big Bang went to division of the soup and broke the Synapse shew.

All For The Sake Of  à la Told You

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