Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gild A Mesh^Thd

Had chief life in the feather rite been the degree of say an education formal than,
the purchase of logistical tablet would have Oats to salt the grain in Tidal,
a wave in shore with the certificate of Snore as the temper of the said whom reined,
ask the place of Time in red as that makes the glass tinted by only the Mirror.

In grasping a shed to the poetic Justice of lame a grape to the Leaf of blunt bye return,
in the opposite exacts to scene in the fact had Tables bin turned the lull encourage,
by plaque & sail Mast by known Troubles a venture to the Venue of grand Thoughts,
for as the stamp does Stick the post a Note to card in deck of closed is Hards.

Thus being dust to scramble a desk Letters in file as Print-It at best from Voice Chest,
audible listen to Punkers in Watch looking from base bottoms slide on the tot,
yet in thesis of Theorized got a barrel for realized is the Reel Eyes duh Trot,
ripping the Avenue to blvd. Shot makes for the Freeway to Hi Ways of stop.

In the jam of the throttle forced down the swaddle is remembering the hurt in the folds,
that crumpet of flour butter and Moles rustic in garden the key under clothes,
cobblestones grocery the butcher detail Met storm on the Watch as can is The Form.

Earth being fertile like to scrape the more's of the dig in discovery of bake,
soaking the rain Sleet and/or Snow is pennies from gems in the diamonds I know,
often found at the Barn in a ground are the piles of Manure steaming to sound,
breaking down the sift for the rodes is the time that it prepares as the Stall is a lairs.

No thesis needed to understand growth comes from Production of horses on nope,
standing the pasture or riding Arena discarded at garbage a recycle advantage,
picking up trash to Aluminum latch traits on the Find it is called The Working Kind,
know substitute Classified 'Personals' as ring in thrust of the arms,
embraced its Renowned as the rifling tongue.

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