Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Drawing Lots

Awe butt the power of the fits in stir a bank for the edge and a fee for add sur,
charge to the jeans in the Alvin of the Guest shapes the Singer as a Stitcher for the chest,
parts of descended to task on the Slams screening better choices long before The Row says.

A Cork to banters label in Recording of 'lp' the lost of projectors is the Scene of a read,
dank the darkest flower it puddles with the slug Banana to the peel is Palm a Speaks!!

The recent in the columns lead has tasked the fight to nothing,
for score and long in terms the contracts of the small prints bee`d.

Sting the barker at the corner of the smoking shrug,
in bushes of the Cat the example is to scratch,
vinyl on the table is plastic for Sets that chose to be The Bigger Wreck,
and as the Salt is peppering a Ten NIS anchors Short.

Grab the latest Newsie as the Choir is so slant,
cross the powder on the plant and Soil is be Hooving,
ridden try the saddle dare as bare is backing Verse,
each stroke of luck inks one more Tuck so Neatly tied up Tiers!!

The T-zones of the 4:00 a kettle in the Steep of Hours on the Week,
writes of strike One to Three the bat of Base ball is a pea,
pods that match to light in Up will bring the lathers brought,
drips of sweat from beddings Spot the leaker of the Gets a Lot.

Straw In Caster The New DM

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