Wednesday, November 5, 2014

It's The Land Castered

Enlighten your Worlds scope atop the shoulder of the cope in eating rotten sleep,
the baste of scrollings so remixed with verbs that adjectives can't speak,
the nouns of dead and crucified Murdered on the sleeve,
jousting slain as slaveing laid oh just to hammer in the nailing,
sick I am with verbal text that says a person died for set,
as to approve the death of him by saking off touch skit.

Accounts so bought by Church and Lot the pews of filled Witness,
this testify to real lives that taught don't sit and fit,
yet on the Posture of the church in Rome that porch of denial grips,
charging the Mass for get this Tip the populus has approved the murdering of equipped!!

Ages have gone to Ancient in long by Ways of Chisel in It,
the very blood that drains from jug is being drunk on Sundays Slit,
veins that Temper what WAS said do knots to add a Trip,
for where on this Planet strong does it SAY to eat the pit!!

Dirt your nose in the bloods of death by death by death of rubs,
wood made Cross to tombs of loss in planks that drowned the Cause ways lost,
peoples dribble on Agony by Uncle Aunt the Pope of Chant,
wares Religion all those banks that Preach to no Reality,
just kill and bounce the Fallacy.

Mount up to this or blow this bomb or strap the chest with grenades to song,
suicide in squares of terror the horror of letters in scramble terms,
the threats of Hell while Heaven fell in Vice the Militant of Screen,
don't repeat the Parrots Feat as ask the desk it's called your Head above the shoulder keep.

In this Age of scents the stage the gamble on Complete,
trunk your chest to know the breast is milking of the fee,
belly gut just below a button in the birth of know,
than stride to the crawl for Humans have fallen from their feet Face down,
go to any on the drive Watch the action no longer Vibe all the eyes are on the Ream,
its called The Cell phones ability to Mesmerize the blind with nothing but the Screen. 

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