Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Record Label

The passing Eight Years to this date November 5th Two Thousand 14 of Year,
the Junk has struck the building lap touching in this Simple path The Choice of tender Clears,
know decision in the craft as The Words do speak the Taps to military gear,
written with a days to jack The World in a Rears of graph Floodings on the Fact.

Type in black and white to keys Digits in the mountain leads of bridges Iron Class,
method by the brine to skill additions of subtractions 'til a pick-up sheets a mere,
reflections from the lives to scene a Working travels with The Storage firm ink Tears,
shedding grass Mowing wrath the Pull in Tugs to sync that laugh bringing harnessed Fear!!

Jolly ole soot to Chimney put bricks and Bonny slumber crust Mortar shallows Mortal piers,
ditched for greater microphones Hands that speak with Suits of sold dressing in the Stuffed.

I land for the blinks of certain Look from Nest on Poles of Flag conversations Flying staff,
letters wide to shirts in lie banshees that The Sirens buy lasting Keds pedestrian weirds,
strangely as the Ions glad an opportunity to Visa ran The Passport of the rails Term in deer,
eyes sew sewn to Needle home which is the source of Outer phones should basis have a gear,
shift to Shape tight And made shipping Lanes by rowing span dark bangle on the brace lets.

Bangles arbor to the plant Hanging pots of hook in grand Piano of the note,
shop the lines that Tell Tale Sign rebooted on thrusting another find,
shelves in bracket born from styles expressions held with ordered dials,
copper Tone to spell the stones thrown down to Up the scepters Cone inking Ice.

Logic with tanks School of Thought disturbs fright to sank in Lot yet Foundation has a rock,
grant it with my Grandparents taught determine nature of the spot Construct with site,
lumber to no chase The Printable is case each Nail hammers 16th penny it's The Weight,
swing to Finish work in change for the Tools are built to Range inside Outside perfect Rain.

Belts with fixtures lighting came box adjust to every brain Minds in professionals pane,
gem cutters Mechanics laser swords Handles buttons Numbers roared The Measuring Tape,
no stretch required by the Inch for arch the Mile it's a cinch to the Cars speedometers place.

Role of fluid is the grease of the Oil in the beast that spice in gas to Coals in pieced The Pot Belly,
in the oven of Technology blocks are peers of scrambled Tar with pits so many The Negative jars,
no longer dirt from grounds of Field the pasture is the Muds in real just adding Share to Thumb,
ups go prove downs say move the fist is representing shoe laces by pipes of silent crews.

Taken scenes are behind the Means evaluating personalities cued by Pools that bing,
scripts on sample of the News talking speaking telling rubes The Setting of a staple,
paper Clips to dog eared racks Magazines that have not bricks and mortar Print Equip,
the contents of the Chapter verse in photo shopping a new desk The Mortuary Fest!!

Sparklers on the advertised know the question of the lies as whom is To the urn fries,
context with the Contest spit wads of reins in spreading lip chalking Flour margins gripped,
bloody good should the Tip rip the balance of the Kit to trippings on The Flu,
posture Angle on divide Conquer opinion with the buy In Purchase is the Mental Eye!!

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