Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunken Living Rooms

The flight of Two Geese over head on my Outdoor cool Hour of a minute are Honkers,
the sound of comfort should be From men but now No Man manned Me,
for that I classify Those shamans Named that Chinese bounce the Oracle Flame,
so Hot am I that India Pied the Indian Indigenous to Freed of Mind to magnify the gear,
at brain of Vice the Chinatown steer those steep stares of Whom smokes Fear,
now the product is of Street or Vast the prescriptions on Sell the Vat,
boiling Toads that Frog about to Hip Hop Central I announce a Forker.

James Blunt took what is my Rook and Pawnee is the Game at Book,
mural life to Paintings slice a Ceiling in by Morners,
the Wake so early Suicide at burly for Wise these Moves to SET at Trued,
all the way to The Bank Account that circles on the Digital route,
one for the Dollar to the hide around Parks that Copper of the penny Marks,
a Trait by Gnostic in the Vein a Stoic on the Bit of Rein of Urns that burned for Trite.

The ewe of Heards that Tumbler noise of blasting People pointed tights a Criminal Society is Bands,
that crowd to Look! the Misery shook as the Film of what I died,
that Cellar speech to AA's breach of Robin Williams on the beach of What is Anomalous at Piece,
brought by gossip of the AA leaches that branch the Caliber to fire on the rifle of AT MEET.

There on the audience A Bead that strings sum type of rape that benched Mark stake,
nails to Cream the donut plate have a Seat and grate the fate with Permanency in this I RATE,
on The Continue it's on the Siren of What is Alarming From the death of hanging by a thread,
in attached are all the links to Watch the listen with each a drink that does not Kill but Lives,
dunk your Tea bagging Face at See for James Blunt must be The Better Sport of Jockeys,
a good hard Scrub from what is Soap a bit Castille on the Curb that makes the World Sealed,
breaking a Way that balance of Tray for From the former James Blunt is Wormer.

Paste in plug the worms go Jug a lug Lug for the Whiner on the Bust,
groovy Cool that is the School of the best at Crow,
for in the Colors of the Rain it is the rein those guiding Genes that short the drink to pore A Flame.

Cellular that with Science lap as California knew a Shack on the Street of more's,
a lion roared on the foot store The Zoo of plenty said Ivory chord for that's a Box Aesop,
be wise to the Accent of the table on the litter loved for with a tickle on the Feather a Boa gone Strict Ore,
to the earth at the Foundation of Creative design all in the fable that The F.B.I. did do the Signed,
rounds to the meetings in black suites of teaming busted with The Power of Blues,
that badge to cycle The Catch on the Michael or shall it Frame the bike of the lane On Panes,
the Sunglass Hutters those earpiece Gutters with microfilm on lives at kiln to heat the break in legal.

Soap denial the social garb of all dressed up to pill the at Farm a Suite A Cold,
as the freeze to shoot the be with Hands thrown trigger to the sticker of colors on the pull,
is it Now the devil or Anton Lavey spiking up with Natural at bay by Ways of berth on protocols unrehearsed,
the Signs with Signature Piece of riddle that knows the Cast has grown A Can a Bust at Fiddle lust,
to Answer with the Jeans of Levi at basic to The Roman in the Time of Gladiators dimed. 

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