Saturday, February 28, 2015

As Haul in Would do the exceptional to have made in Film than binned cut on HBO,
for the importance of the Hand indeed was chopped from the Account on the perk,
to midst of Majestic with Blunts on the Thor of reality to dash the Symbol to Operator,
in call dark World this Globe of Snow blinding blind,
slashed are not the very Factions that direction ready shouts!!

The Fury^Ans

It was in the original scene of the latter of the seen that was edited for This Nation by ......
to crease the uniformity with Whom shall Knot the Call is of the link to the Signs,
as Watch is of Clock so is Restoration to the ........
the VHS, the Beta, the DVD still run the sake to Total under stood,
as thrift stores, garage Sales cannot ....
its left for the Seekers to Know that Coffee is of a Beanery from the Factories of Treed,
first shown than Cut not to fit but to Erase the idea of the Computation of An Ideal in Station`d.

Apple Fat

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