Saturday, February 28, 2015

Literary People

Truth conquers,
you come in the nick of time,
sweet eyes; tender gaze.

It is easy to be wise after the Event,
set price,
Pure & Simple!!

Love all Places: Everywhere,
a firing of blank ammunition in celebration,
a Writ to stay Proceedings.

The example of others by labor And honor,
divine law,
 by Human law the Law of Nations,
the Golden Mean.

A current scandal,
a rage for writing, a rage for speaking, in accordance with a Vow the Lion may be known by His Claw,
Troy was
We have been.

Those who come late to the Table find nothing but bones,
by honest pursuit and Studies every One has his Own habit,
may Earth lie lightly on thy Grave.

Let us be tried by our Actions,
with Full & Round voice,
O the Times! O the Manners!!

The downward road is easy punic faith; treachery,
in the Year of the World from the Soul,
the exception proves the rule.

In that state of which is was,
from Eternity,
from Before,
from Olden Time,
from The Beginning,
from Head to Heel to the letter with an even or equable Mind,
by Courage & Faith in Manner and Form,
to compare Small things with Great!!

By Sea & Land all things Change, And we change with them.

a Mind Conscious of Rectitude,
groaning deeply it has been proved,
where the law is uncertain, there is no law.

A case already decided the last reasoning of kings___arms,
as regards,
Sacred Things,
with a grain of salt.

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