Monday, August 10, 2015

The Secret Of The Universe Is Choice 'The Continue' America Set Evolution Types : A Brand Magazines

Can You feel, Canned in Skull it's a Movie in the Role of a Man named by Crest Jean Baptiste is the Vest,

future Science in Space like War it's a Different Type of Core asking Evil if'd the lored Caused a Miffed,

the 5th Element in the Bite it's a Sign of the Lipped with a Seal of the Kiss making up for the Miss!!

The All World Governed in a Hist` spoke of Coring for the Mist of Godzilla as a ripped Star Bars,

cosmic drive to the Line it's a Mark in the Fine feel the breeze of the leaky bind

Chop the Bio in Your Head it's a grazing language Fed copper pennies in the Fountain of the Loud Happed,

forward publish to the Zapped it's a Bilingual from a Tap that Freezing Caters Ask the Chap,

singular bedding Covers Trap snapped go the Weasel now the RACKED whipping Backs Plattering stats,

cruise the Mountain of Relieved for in the Valley fickle Leaves the Autumn of the Burke Trees bleed,

warping Railed as a B.D.S.M. Nail spikes the Point of a Compassed Kale`d Keying Carps.

From Top too Bottom the Switch is in the Actual of the Trust in the Act of the Guest in the Treads of spill,

one to the detail and a couple in the joint to make the elbow bend in the ladder of the choke Joe,

in the eye of the tempt is a could or a phone to the piece of the heard cans the joke of absurds,

walking Centrally to the beating of the brass a Balling in the Keeper Take Earth tablets Coastal shakers!!

Crispy Crunch in the Indy Punch for if the Main String ever Clammed the Gritty Wood

There is this sum of a problem in the pearl calling World the that attentive to here the vocalality of spear,

in the tip at the point as the leather in the joint a barn of appeal is the stable ride heels down chilling'!!

In a Mass of Understanding throwing the Caliber to the Lend the trigger is to Invest in Time Spend,

rake it in the grounds leaving tracks and not Mounds as the crate shall pack a shoot from cell!!

Can verses education natural knowledge a Vocation in and Of It's Self a blinki

Ayes!!, to the frosty mourn of the Root Beer cure of that chilly slide of a spoon in stirs the pear of blamage,

the grit of the fruit bold fares as the proof that food cares set the meeting test at the dining table of the Hall,

is it fabled or the roast that is still moving on the plates of listing over cooked Veg. as the Salty Prim Pepper.

Aye gallop the mind in the four-wheeled car to a round about in the London Park of staying be Hinds,

the greats in the lucky warm blackened beers pipe the brew to alleviation of a Well cleaners Token,

to the Moat of the thick Clod with a Thought to the Wanton Style of a Stance with a Working Thorough,

in the Breed of the Caliber to the Pony of Wales the stone jumping Logs in the timbers of Timed,

a 3 Second Flip to a 2nd Whip in a 1 Zero Set!!

Done to the feed in the Hey how You bead in the

The Imprint of the Mind recording All in Time the Age of Ironing in too flatten in the Bin of Stashings,

just another life to railing the fines as dry erasure deed did soaps with a canter to the dope,

James Blunt lopes the Pony a Muscle in the Brain of the Head in state it almost seems like shame!!

The quiet of the listing ask I'm Under Cover to the Open Venue of this it is a Cutter,

granite it'a Statute of Lawful splitting would from whence the tucker trucked the Toe in for the Stood,

a fo

Sum Kind of trouble to the Halo-gram expose Blunt owns his home in an isle of alter butts to the Venued,

for James does not have a Life in the last from the Hotel to the Stage of the Passed,

in the Country playing roading to laugh the deep throating chortle speaks to a Path Being Flight,

in his admission on the Blunts' Facebooked text he did sew state that he new he could fly, I think!!

Trades to Ideas wrapped in the Sync to washing the Suite in for a Wink that Blinkers of churns,

a terribl

The Heat of rage can bring you new Hi's in as much read the breadth of the touch,

in nothing of All in denial of blend stories are living in the lives that do such,

to the foot print of planet in Moon of Earths' Sted as the Sun delivers to be her just Head,

the Stars are the extensions of her Thoughts in such mentions as Comets must Synapse the Meteor Showers.

I'll fuck you with one Mind Thought it Comes from the distance summed in truth of the riddling plot,

a basic rid to bugged a lot for words that dam the ever syncs to real in a person thinks it's Sot,

wanton need to keeping score on the leader boards of cots that mattress to the padding wrought,

a bounce to hear the bred in cheer for cursing out the absolute in meeting of the dearly caught.

The quiet touch of silence,

in the ear buds of the bloom,

with the apple as the fruit,

a peach sealed dish.

Life Itself in Living Form stands to Formalize factual Present that Humanity has ripped off Isis by Design,

the Ancient Wall instructs to Call that by the Voice of Odin the Hands of Zeus Score,

in the the application of Sign the signal to a Times is from the Stanza to the Poem in ask it Riddle Que,

Irons force the Clasp upon the Lives that Key to the Trigonometry of Isolyze as a Trapezoids Crown!!

The Eye of the Center Piece is the Vice in thus find the War of the Ages with a Dollar Hide,


In a Message there is a Riddle I am buried for lack of found the thesis of a Life at Doors,

with each passage a Verse is Writ in the Word the sentence Stanza as the Comma Points to Exclaim,

the breadth of and in Itself has Naturally accomplished an amazing find on this Planet Earth in Sign.

The World Spins in the Earth as the Middle is the Hasp one side shims the other Tims to Stew`d,

fought`er growl to the Worm in The Wood of the Born as the Temples of the Mind braining Fined,

center drift as the Circ.

Dress for the Corrective detail of the Kangaroo to the Hop of the Belly brew in the Tasmanian brews,

devil the speed to the vacuum of wrecks on the Isle of Mann in the grounds of the stick in the which's,

temperature to the Galaxy Sync in a Universal Leap the Solar Zoned at the Basic Moon by Name,

in the Proper add the Prime to divide the Earth in the Streak of the Kernel at the Stone as a Hinged!!

Swing the Bowl in the Sphere to understand the Twisting Gear that Moves the Ward in the Sets,

The 'Duchess & The Dirt Water Fox' another Favorite Classic to bet the Gold as Blackjack is the Game,

the Satchel with a Hide to Park a Stay in the Hoarse Tights to Knight the Lord to Godfather in a Day!!

The pitch to the Batter swings away to the Home Running came with an Education to claim,

on the Mount the Ball is in the Hand of Proud as a Team Player in the Fields of the Grassy brawls,

1st Base is a Penny, 2nd Base a Knickel, 3rd Base the Dime to the slide in for the Safe is a Quarters M

Reminded direction of my younger sisters term life sentence different certification signature stepped card,

gaming life in horror of the words that poured from her mouth in a rage full fit as her body fit attack,

chair flying back as she marched in to over me face as the shout screamed her sack to being burked again.

On by birth certificate there is a name under the title of father this guy signed for me on arrival,

the point of a sentence dated to remind the contract of the entry witnessed here on Earth,

a sort of strange theme on paper that registers the fact that life has been subjected,

file it with the Cards to remember that you never I.D.'d the takers but are identified as the gift.

Governments spy, Laws change, Religion belts, Creation Cries, Men Deal and Women freak me Out,

Isis was a Something now it's a Terror Organization or an Acronym to an Abbreviation that is a Threat,

what is exactly Real in this World of Surrealism that Rules through Fear of the Unknown being known?

Is the Land that the Grounds of the Dirt that is Thrown? to Mirror the Reflective Reality of Shower,

the mud that accumulates from the watering of what is convenient to control the Populous today,

Lets go theory factors Gee the Big Bang Pram in the Hash-tag Centrals the dirty little spans,

the Lord was Crucified for Lore the trigger in the Can to Rome a Cross of Complete in Stone,

than that leaves a list of Gods killed for Myth and Statutes that Law beyond the Planned,

not Still Photographs but real Granite Carved their Bones to display in the Museums Homed.

Sew the Tweet in the Bird to the Swallow of the Berg its Ice to the Sheets in the Breaks of Completes,

ask the question to the Tailor the chalk that's used to mark the Feat for a better fitting Lead,

much to the Pane that Fires to the Flame a Bonfire destroys as it burns the sticks the Same,

the Redwoods or the Oak Groves a Forest in the Blind shows that Cutting is not Timbering,

for is just taking while Lumbering replaces the Corpse of the Tree itself via re-planting new growth!!

First the

Blunt he wore black boots in the jeans held loot the t-shirts were convenience to rip away the truth,

now he forks a Suite like an Astro NOT for in the Helmet worn it's just a fucking Prop,

as the shoes now worn are for the Tennis formed as he runs to Scenes that the Worlds Torn,

funny how repeats bump into the groove of the Vinyl record that CD's often prove!!

The skip is not so easy with the Compact Disc for now it just screams blinking as it's final tip,

first he was a Military Man, than

Knot Single wants the burnt a simple song to spot that Blunt stole the Fire giving Man the Lot,

in the Real life the Bomb within the Tire wheeled with Attire to the Astro Spire of the done in buyer,

the Purchase of Said LIFE is the Sentence to the Side that spears to the Lung of a Long, Long brier,

the thorns of the bled that fought in past of shed these lives that prey continue to open Up the Red!!

The Year of Bearing down a growling to the found for as the Apple lit so does man get tricked

Dribble existence with rhythm of the last in the facial recognition of the list in a series of 'Just' brisk,

the one two count is a repetitive loud in the perfective of a whipping in a sound to note,

the writings of the length to the equaling of Proud the body holds the frame with a naming pound,

vary to the differ it is a leading found that nothing is resistance for the X is for the doubt.

Released by the importance that the repeat is the comfort to the stick with the cream of fillings,

traits to the basking lurches that back to no remind of the futures in best of done to bedded,

crown the minds that musk to offering the blanks as fulls to never could come to the actuals in reality,

that text or the fumble of the crutch to bring the all ready sung to the life that is dung.

Now as I Master the being of a loan I can Mind Speed to the Scientific Proof of Death Itself,

for in that moment as you spin out, your thoughts will spark to each revolution of what you thought,

life is just whizzing at a directional comprehensible term to explain yourself to your end of lend,

the buzz of the door ringing to your brain singing that final song of explanation for your existence.

I don't need to worry myself over decisions that bolt lives to rounds in lives upon lives upon lives,

the central said in the study of the Mind itself that time will search in natural state of bell,

making what you have in what you see to what you do a mentality indeed,

for that being simply said Evolution would confirm the creative balance to bag away without disease.

While the general public interests themselves in B.D.S.M.

I am so happy and delighted that Mr. James Blunt is engaged to his sweet heart Sofia Wellersly,

due to the simply yet complexity of the temper in such a World of unbelief his engagement/marriage,

the balance to the completion will survive in the whole of the ability to let go of the thought of stupidity.

Bye the way if you are wondering about Immortality it works just like this,

you either know or you don't and if you know you'll say okay and if you don't go look up Vitality!!

With the InterNet readily available and after about Ten Billion Million Years you'll ask yourself,

'Is this it?' and than you'll say ohh ugg uhhmm I want to Dye then realize you are still alive,

all in the time it takes to realize you just turned red right now 'cause I told you that you'd just burn up!!

Hooray One Big

If You believe that I Am anything Other than a Product of Evolution by Designs playing Ketchup,

you are Idiots and Allow Me to serve You a plate of Stupidity in complete Service to the Settings,

as Planet Earth the grounds upon which This person is Standing Present and Very Accounted for,

the Dinner of Humanity has Proven to be the Denial of All History thereby confirming Naturals Abound!!

Upon the ACTUAL diagnosis from An ACTUAL professional in the BUSINESS of Professionals,

I am a Genius

The World at Present in Numbers Over~Whelming to Earths hem the explosive Heat of the Energy melting,

the vision of Any whom have Spoken at Any time in History Must have Seen something that State,

the barrel of the fire to the icy hot melt of the glacier sheets breaking to the wind of an Ocean bends,

filling the tasks with rivalry of pass to declarations of the Future in the Wrath of this Clasp!!

Strength to the Ages that had to have supplied the Skills to know Naturally the Nautical turning

The very idea that I declared on James Blunts original Site was not happenstance it's a Que to life,

as the populous loves the fast lane I stopped at the sounds of music created by this Man,

in the fright of such connective echo to the basis of asking the question of "I know you...why?.." fencing,

the challenge was none to the missing of sum an addition that the present day spares as done.

To be taxed by life itself through the harassment of means that are capable of applying such riddles,

the payment is either the growth of suffering or the applications to follow the main stream post,

to X in the Global Arena as a Certain Understanding than I chose Starvation as Living predisposed,

for in a choice of know decide it is not the either of rather the consequence of the choose.

MUSE: Changing the way the World Thinks

How does it work?

It's comfortable and easy-to-use.

1. Just upload one of our custom applications to your smart phone or tablet.

2.  Pop on your Muse. It should rest comfortably on the upper forehead, and sit behind the ears like a pair of eyeglasses. Clear any big tufts of hair out of the way, so that the earpiece of your Muse headband can make good contact with your skin.

3.  Pop in a pair of your favorite ear buds and start the app.

Thus understanding that this Trip of Life Itself is no longer needed to be the accomplished remain,

for the denial of the Human Orchestra as a Union in a Complete of a Symphonic Perfection with a Directive,

society has emptied the stage for removal in not only the crash but destroying the very Instrumental lives,

not by doubt nor for purpose that benefits any other than the Destroyers Themselves as Killers of Taxed.

Back to the witness of Love in itself this seems to be extreme in very dangerous to Venture,

as the appearance of destruction in and of the act to the testimony of it's emotion,

the affect is the robbery of the individual Self as being joint at the connection with an Other,

the creative exploit of dismissing the One whole for the must trust the floundering finds.

I used to think that I was interested in knowing what Love was all about of this I do confess to truth,

the idea of what Humanity continual spoke on speaking the empty piece to the filling of the concept,

told what I already knew on fact that I had not been afforded such experience an opportunity,

while in my youth I did stare and wonder of it's emotion as I saw it towards my siblings Four!!

The aspect was curious as it was a better yearning to have witnessed in my mothers eyes for them,


There is know reason to bother these Little Talks with a Universe in such a youth Full Solar Systems,

the Age of Iron here on Earth is now Four passed the Century Turns in a Millenial type View of Two,

this important detail to all Travelers is an Alert to the replacement of the Emergency Broad Cast jacks!!

To worry yourself over said age is just the fact that I have learned it's not actual year count reply,

it is in the mirror of the Tall being the appropriate height to match the life in or

YOU guessed IT aye Am back my Name is None a Pun on Course for the Priestly State of Pope,

I am like a Habit that Praise up On the Gift of All in this ever lengthy stall of More that Die.

I campaign as a Sage a Seer state is I for in such difference I am Real and want I do for Hymn,

in this trait of the now I do not wish nor due is hope for those ideas' have passed with soap,

the gear of Muse in preview Post the one direct behind the toast to Sage a truthful Site.

Certainly the Technique of the Paved in the Thoughts of 'How' to 'Control' their Environment too,

an exorcists approach to the mind boggling theme of introducing the already happened to a campaign fund,

the gasp of air that will not be oxygen is the Mind of the snap that has than busted the stare,

puttings to jello the the intervene is to train the bother to numb you as wisk to the drains plugged!!

Try it you'll like it sell for the Corpse to an introduction to the most fortunate address to

MUSE: the brain sensing headband

See your brain in action. See how it performs. Improve it over time. In the future, use your thoughts to play games, operate appliances and so much more.

Pro'Team to maintain a balanced write relies on the ability to know the Mind and the Wroughts,

as advised carton eggs have been cracked for whipped to produce the scrambling,

the bred have had to be frugal in their wisdom to remain in the goods that providing,

crumbling to blending in is a type of existence I would have proposed for the bet,

however the mold requires some degree of mixtures to spice the whole 'Thing' up!!

Now consider the age of whom must be so tired from the exhaust of jus

SKU asked Bar Code to Define the ALL CAPTION to equal the Same as my Mothers' Fast,

the quick to a feat the production of lasts skills words to the values of Cougar in knacks,

riddle the Ole Use to the New in the Tube the counter will build as the Construct filled Term.

The Formal Brought Investment otherwise known today as the intialed to storm the home in life increased,

as Text would be appropriates just shorten this to lead as Tweeters of the see,

it's called the FBI in simple words to bring innocence to belief!!

Mangled minds intertwined in remote of viewing behind the future of the past in line a riddle or a piece,

addition rather to the Wares of when hand thrusted in the peeks to value sub.

ISIS Not Found Try ASET @ Do it Too Gain

The requested URL /muse/what-is-muse.php was not found on this server.

I Will sport a Thought to the Nature of think as the Book of Tells speaks Naturally of wells,

the bible is a Menu ask the Verse in Psalms a Saltry edition to the Turn in the Palms,

the Production of Religions leave the balance in the brew as Communion is a Taken,

in the Wafer Ices Green as the Soylent of the Means to Price the Bell of Tollings to do's,

walking down the Aisle to the bread and buttered drink a Cup of Chalice laddered to build the fodder prove.

I Must Create A Movement from the Bowels of the Basement too the Howls of the Knight,

in cooperation of the outing of myself I fling the Closeted Door to the Window of Pane,

as The Pope in a Vote the duces of the Dali Lama in Life I sentence this Correction,

for without further a due and Cents nobody wants what I have given as a mirror Voyeur in posed,

aye come from a galaxy far, far vary far from Hear a City of Rejoicing clears the Happy to Tier!!

I love Homosexual Men as they are the Basi

A trip to the Outside porch to smoke a fag with the heeling brakes to consider the said in literals,

rise to the Sun a sight that seems undone the brights are White to blindingly bothered by the Horize,

looking exact to a Nuclear Blast in the already seen by Movies and this countries Tasked,

in exploring such bombs as the weapons of mass destruction in lasts the frame of the Look!!

A Hummingbird quicks to the concern of my eyes in the burns of the turning to cover the obvious light,

not two

I Hail from a Distance that would force Time to Bow to the Aim of never heard as the clique is a Verb,

in the preparation of a Being Trued the Ancient Order determined these simple Sings as Identity Markers,

contrary to any admission of mine at any given take is the mere in comprehending the scope of rate,

paced to 'The Continue' carrying 'Through' the Twin Flames Fired whilst developing que the Cryer!!

People Civilizations Death Life Birth Strife Burials Exposures Negativity Energy Being Mo

Powering Forward with Thought as Expression the Action of the Sun in the Cycle of the Galaxy,

a number in the Planets refers to the mass of the Solar in a Bowl of Extension to Regard,

rifling through time for an appropriate position to benefit the being done to balance the rifts,

tethered to the force of circulation as the Equilibrium in the balance of this Designings nature!!

Counting the growth placing a path to concrete understanding as the barrels position to kite,

a string in theory in

I propose a Visit to the Ole Site right now for what is written in a Post of display makes mention,

the always free reminds me to Note that James Blunt is Grand and I love that he's Poke,

he brings me such laughter as I profile a Way too Meet him at Central of a Station in Play,

as we approach is big Wedding Day how 'bout we early the Bachelor Party stay!!

One big Night for a time like a Swim all around in the Covers in the Sheets with just Him,

I know that it's hard for the brain in the He

I come from the Blue in the Mure of the Ancient Path that Dragons have watched over for Logos in bore,

the span from the spoken to this revelatory say it has passed the day bringing time to Cay.

I have known of my existence in this World I've grown,

the doubt that I had was not for myself nor for my truth to the station of root.

So here I go again down this road of prose with a riddle in the middle the words in-between,

the explain of the centuries to Ages of Ancients that sent me to journey the quest of the present,

in the action of today the future of tomorrow a moment in Time as Iron is Dimed.

So lets just take that position in life and step up to the Plate too swing a way,

call the Dali Lama to tell him that I am his girl as he said on CBS National News,

that a change was on it's way and that he would determine the actual of the consideration as time passed,

that a Woman was in contention for the Tribal Swearing to the Tibetan bearings.

As Zeus was also the involved in the split of the four-legged Creature into the Two Human Feat,

I would propose that by what is referred as coincidence that I spoke of this in prosed,

for that may have also in addition been Rote for Sake the Communicate would therefor be Soaked,

with leads and informational facts relating back to the History exact to the walk of a knack!!

That being correctly done in the past Site of decide the Choice in it is not Mine for I have had a Time,

in Life by Desi

How can Zeus have been in such a disgust that he striked against Humanity for Cannibalism seen,

that I happen upon telling in innocent Site that I was bore once from the split of Mans Head,

to fumble onto the story exact back to Zeus an Ax and the Steer and the same gross-outs Veer!!

I witnessed to fact I was born Full-Bore and Ready to War,

in the story of Zeus the equal exacts too thee the Tack of this Clear!!

Read it for Central to base now this name,

Isis is terror on present day NOW!!

The Tree of Knowledge in Today is Blunt and I in a Society of a World at War with Plato as Thor,

put to action in a Real Live Spake as my memory serves to complete this as Stayed!!

I have been before shall be a gain to the Apocalypse defined as a Revealing to the fact I have declared,

'The Continue' in the Age of Iron in Deeds!!

Challenge not the Christian for the Templar is Knight gallant and true to his Ever in plight,

the song of the Crow to the Buffalo Plains,

the America Indian has th

Back to Bedlam a Compact dis. that popularized a song to the hit so long that took a place that said,

I'll make a track of the sights scene within a ream for piano Man did spike a string to move the Opera Song,

in lyrics of the done in fact a ribbon to the ole Oak Tree the equaling of what did here was written up & on,

a record that spoke to sound a rumbling from Old Past where coming in to this place was the Pact of Last.

In the sight of the night the conversation speaks to real times in ample brow the talk is laughing loud,

the systematic visit to the most in Ancient view a place where it is a class knows the story now,

words that move the minds to be the answer in the lovely dream as Dragons calm reply,

does James Blunt realize that lives do just fly by?

It's been so long sense this song I really do not know I told him that it has been at least a Million ten,

the laughs begin and roll on in to strongs so h

If I said fast and You said track than Polo would enhance a Musical by the whence in played,

the eve.

KNBR was not a Station but had a dart to sharp shoot the strange in a Show on the Range,

in Cincinnati on a Date particular to Years that Turkey is what Turkey are & Roasting is the Spear,

upon a day where the Manager knew that flying Turkey couldn't do for a Helicopter came,

in the spin of complete in den the funny was so sad for many did go splat!!

Good Intentions are so grand if the Plan is in Advised to the Trouble of the total Sum to Young,

the Swanning Trades to swim the Sea oop's I m

I took a walk to the Store know I drove my car to the locale of the Street a crossing at the why,

the radio plays I sing a long the words of my owe to line the simple of a Feat to sign,

the trouble is that in sum places that might be hear the listen is a stillings steer to ample out the shouteds,

clear the air with quiets near be wise to your surroundings gear for Cars to also shift to automatics Veer!!

While on my trip to 7`up the glasses were the eyes in hide that stake entire for the find

Play Telephone with you're Cell and find that the Swipe erases true between the varied binds,

the seconds thought to a Sentence without the given frame of taught you'll immediately be spooked,

for as the hand-held ream does march to the finger talking life that application breathes the Lot,

the theme develops black to rot and searching wipes the Screen atop the shoulder bouldered Head!!

The consequence will be the sight that chose the piece to puzzle threw with gain not for costing tooled,

The Genesis of the Iron Age is a Computerized Scan to the Knowledge of the Times in a Can,

than an Automatic Write is the Robotic response to the Abbreviation of the Beginning as Leading,

to the Medal of the Duty in the Home of a Action to Tidal the Sign as the Evolution of the Era!!

To Play switch in the Roles of the Rise to the Value than a Set would than expect Two to streak,

for without the One whom rolls the Second cannot Mold in the 3rd of the Exposure to a Tolling,

setting a Zero as

As the Cane says to Able it is the basis of the Table to provide the Setting as the better letting,

one for me too for aye would be that back to stature my the credit goes to Score!!

A Singer with a towering Theme may ask himself James Blunt wells for babble is a creek,

to change the story of the Moon as a Spooning trait will invite the sitter Site to bring the Goods as Candled!!

Light the which to whom is Itch the finger scratches to the hitch for as the jeans are tightly fit,

a zipper is

The Garden that is Now the Provide for Apples Sake to refer the 60's hype in the Groovy bites,

for the gift of birth in such said Era became the available Versed to the lives in truth as a Tree to root,

the guide being the Computer in Bites of the fruits that produce the knowledge of the lout.

Now in the strange of the weirds there are touch-screens communicating verses of the stones,

as the conversation comes to place it is the finger that is the treating taste to the preference of laced,

the Web as a Net to the looming in based will attract the Eyes to the dilate in a Guide,

as the Pupil of such Means informs the Tell in a theme of 'The Continue' as a Scene!!

This treasure in witnessing to the obvious distraction can only be the Control if the remote is hold,

to pass go in the

Back in the day before I was hey in birth upon this land their advice was to not watch the Screen,

basically Television was a drain on the brain wasting time a way to streaming guise ideas,

the product of many conversations that took place to explain the replacement as paved,

with thoughts that may not plug but be that introduction too the faster rots in a Minds Thought!!

To speak on passing leads that regulated such thinking of such a promotable feed in brooming,

swept by the Nationals in

As life has made evident the Cell held in Hand the Aps. are the telling to the Mind in a Swipe,

the adventure begins to communicate lens to the sites and the sounds of each a Begin,

held to the Chest of the Available Thought the thinking does scrub the Missions in taught.

Back to the Picture on the Post at the Dome in the Park a sort of Bench Mark that I spoke,

as it disappeared and all these available doors showed that the ability is to know stop,

for I feel that if Go were to be on it's Own than these releases of Chakra would send in real,

being moved through dimensions that I understand can and do exist.

On this Course calling Life I support James Blunt in the bone for I picked a Site to muscle it's Rite,

now to consider these words chosen to bring a Pun is good for the growth of Thing!!

As I am an it and he is the Man I love to the Fight in the watering of Can,

as You may know most probably don't back to that Closet a Once a day show,

the Movement is know to the sitting of Throne better go Concentrate bring your own Stone!!

A Frig has an able to Magnetize Mind as these Times are so Written

As I speak to silence and You talk to gossip the division in Life came with a toss-up,

stood to behave like the human born stay that act I did study played every day,

on the Television went to Movies now back too T.V.

Death is life and Life is death the precision to this puts Forward to society and Society lied,

days that involved the patience to say that study is interest while this is a play,

the game of the civilized onwarding march as the bell is so tolling the Sin Board knows stride!!

Denied I am as Justice is wanting to be the People that slam down the Thumb,

do not ask questions don't say that you like and certainly don't ever say that Flame is a Knight!!

Write till you have enough to read too the

I am driven in this Site to be reminded in my plight that I witness to the testify of my life,

the real of a Man not some Being in the Sky that you meet on accidental tour of this human loaded try.

To have bore witness to the split of the stream to wake in the Millennials of spline the jar abrupts,

a World of existence denied for doubt in beliefs or for the astrologists card in the finals be a Fool?,

no thank you to both or too the many more out there in this global despair of  these Settings to dies.

Virgin Air lines to this Think what if that Blunt Mastered this sync in a blinking eye?

Those would be terribles to even consider the payment so heavy it might produce slivers,

from the oxygen choked by the collar of yoke to the whips on the cross I don't want to imagine his boss,

he is so blatant if he were to have Scene than this little being would be in great trouble'ings!!

I might have to Swallow his Pride for the Knee could create this in real abide,

vibe the Central to the Known of Li

The Speed of Thought a Movie I watched a while ago brought on these Weirds in a Mind full of fought,

I go to sleep I'm awake typing away hitting Enter to Publish these Argues' in placed,

to know that eventually these Times of the News will just be going like a Coast in such dues.

As strength is the purpose of whom is the learn to the teach of a strong arm in prose it's a stern,

make evident the presence than community is consider as health lends to the yoke of the leather in turn,

since no matter concerns the lurking in churned than breath to the better is a burble in worm,

the wood of the latter would chalk up too rings counted for measuring time and sew things,

creation did tell of explosives in brings destruction reveals that tidy is clean.

A quote from a point in somebody's history to whom I'll just borrow the singular listing,

in Love and War all is Fair in the Eventual Terror for I chose Or not And in that the balance of the do,

not let me hate you oh yea now I love you it's a sport that should not include a person of brew,

for in the mix it will have to be dominated to force the act of loving back in especially no lead of taughts.

As I consider the words post hither B.D.S.M.

Particle the Cell to the Astrological See in the lights of the Night Day lead in the Sun you'll be,

the bother of Humanity is their quest to stick to grounds that life is not important for Round,

just a person or a bleed it remains in the spree of cultural differences to the or for the Read!!

The spread of Star in the Vast of Space a Cosmic Race in the Still a Trace of blinking signs,

trusting by design that I exist to be a find the balance is the time it takes to bother in place,

with layi

Believe it real as the lives are central to the growth of the members that ascribe to trust the blind,

as myself in a part of the deep in start before it was an unusual to rare the feat in completes,

laws that came to address the reins a buckling in the belts of Ages in spelt,

crumbs as the starlit explosives in sight what was the gain if life is mere plight?

As words to the worth of where ever you hail go to your source and origin this pale,

humanity has destroyed the earth in less years t

Now Truth is Best win Remembrance is Trained to ever in the Central of the migrating brain,

surf the dimensions for the one Hawkings spoke it's the funnies that date to this time in the spoke,

for if your confuses it is Stephen by name that did tell the World that these things do lane,

the odd of the even in the moments that blink to the value of body in the Spherical Sync!!

Wash is the Goods to alleviate linked through the Ages of Ever and Ever and Ever a Brink,

like the Caste of a Classic

Back to Actual in this Site of strong the name of the Person is James Blunt in the Song'd,

of course why bother to change in Mid~Knight for the rode to complete is a picture of Reads,

as the spoken does lead in the ever lasting feed a vibe goes to Central in why all the feat!!

For One is not the Second in the Mist as laughter does carry my hits in the risked,

the latest news flash a posting like his on the Face in the bookings that leave this as taste.

Place the Odyssey to the Voyage of dues as returns are accepted in the fact of this sack,

the Dali Lama does circulate on top of this Earth as a Being in reincarnation`eds to turf,

no questions to proof have been in describe as the trip must have likened the view of my stride.

The shot of Train in a photograph of fame like a lonely hotel that Paparazzi do stockings to add to a Venue,

the real of life is a loan to know strides are the implusions to rear such an increase that blocks are Pyramids,

built by designing the worth in a line of heritage to Time the Age of Text not the fleet of a bird in a Tweet!!

In the collection of Vast to the insurrection of feudal a throne to the bones of the feelings in grown,

the sentence works increase barrows to linked a second han

If walking in the Human Race involves nothing to be learned than why the muzzle of the search in a turn,

should the seed of thought bring the progression of yearn than why the stops that have killed in the past,

as progressive ideas are the kernels of corn in the seeding of fields that plough for the growth in a season,

than the blink of a life in a moment of brights should be the embracing of the ability not the drowns of rites!!

The approach to difference will come from the breath that sen

To Arrive in Present Day the Moments of a Calculations ad to the some of the ready dads,

still must be in person the delivery from eye to hand to facial recognition of the objective to Live,

with basis of reserves that stand to the futures for it is in such confronts that living is no longer Sinned.

I don't believe that the Singer of lyrics in obvious laced is a Type to Front such hards to the taste,

in the head of the state the Swallow would listen to the care fulls a whistle as the Ring is a Bell.

Sense to the ride of the plane in a done the trip to the over the Seas for left stun,

to accord the soundings as a run away Man the bands of the general make evident his stand.

In a Think of a Picture link to the Profile of a Song in the Park of the Dome as a lead to My home,

the bench of missing to being shown with a blanket in a throw seems to picnic as a wrap.

The warmth of Hot is a spot upon the lap of the Top wood venture to the Quest as taught,

teaching thrusts of Hammered Musts leans towards futures as a Cusp to the Brink of cuff.

Sum Kind of Trouble in the Heart of Gold of Dragons in the Hem of the Hey leans,

kinder brews at bases home for the World speaks to Stone in the learned of a Zone,

the roam is the building of a Life in a Lane'ing of days to the shown!!

A Moon to a Sun for the Ferret in the Stancing danger is the lands that be Wares are the Cans,

invitations sent to signal that Out is About a search to the loud Callings for the shout,

in the game of Trust Me falling back is not considered as the producer of

Patience is a learned desire to control that incredible wait in the knowing of waves in release are stores,

to the rides in the elemental of the drive to not chop the charge rather hug the hold.

Life is an Opera in seemingly in the Age of times sung through the history of lullaby the Artist in describes,

as music as bar notes streaming to the Singer touring for the sculpture of the verse in a Symphony,

instruments as Minds at scenes perform to what is the here in sound a drumming to the lives at hand,

the paints of many colours ramp the trials of the tempers land in piece to be the leads.

Aye cipher Life Itself for the Code of the Just is the Straights to the Narrowings of Mind Thought,

to be the Prepares as the Sky Tumbler Shell in to the Vacuum of the Black Vortex'd slough,

the groove upon the forge serves to the shield in the wares.

I call upon my Fathers' Father his Fathers' Father I call upon the most Ancient Lore of The Dragon,

in Source I Am the Earth of the Library of Kind as the inherent in the Line of Vein to the birth,

at the Origin of the Fire in the Flame Element I burn the Ice of this truth as the Blue Oil Mure.

On the Path of exist the being is a person of life Itself to the actual of a Person whilst Tell,

to page the thumbs to the start begins is merely a spark in the mortal lens,

I have a beating heart to the Idea of Searching Out the Charteds in All ways leading to Roams in Do!!

To counter the belly flop off to the instant of the Big Boom was a Mirror to the Reflectives in shroom,

the umbrella bought a tremendous soon to the three stripes out rank as a Militant reads classified loadings,

the gu

To the Dear of the Mind upon the shoulder Home in find a type that is a prepare for Zone,

in this Thought of already used to introduce the idea that was said in a piece to a puzzled real.

The "Conversation" did include the belief upon such used that Reincarnation is a knot of too,

my Own innocence in A Life of Think was to be purpose Full use in becoming a Glacier of Prove.

Primal Nature to the Pour as Volcanos' the Islands Shore is made with rocks from depths of Jee,

to know the energy as the production of blast comes with ebb and flows with fast,

the Mountain carves the Valley Lar in covering what was the Scene!!

The vernal troughs to Thoughts to Brought the Ship in the drilling deeply see a Lane to leadings,

down around the stops have pounds a Pilot for the Tug to guide the barge into the Bay,

but in these seats by with believe the boats are merely the Craf

I was in a thought about the Man does Blunt lope the Pony of with using only soap as rub to work out,

in his admission he spoke of the S&M and I do see that B&D is more of me in a sort of sport of he,

with the World being large of touring through the grands bizarre he's have to see insightfulness to Flip!!

With this insight of in writes the coinage of the hot in air during this fine trippings of might be a cause,

to know the den of Dungeon laws that funny sort of having types interpreted as

The Theme of this Introduction to the Glacier saying I'm dying but I melt into my love the Ocean it's blue,

to the oxygen that a breeze blows to the wind snow in a storming of volcanic designs,

joining the meaning of connections with truth in the Nature to a all encompassing Sign!!

As Pluto has driven joining the stars in ribbing the flights of the Wares in Class to it's own,

production is growth explosive in notes to sing with Milky Way as connective to Rote!!

The music of what certainly m

An incredible day amongst the amazement of being alive on the this the 24th of 2014 in the month of June,

to date the day is a wonderful to know the Calendar is the business of the Year in a simple moment,

recognizing that Time is the calculation of another Civilization teaching the relative to Keep it up!!

Challenge the hour of bringing the nower with the lines that ride with a Planet in a Galaxy of a Cosmos,

to imagine the credits are running to the rhythm of whom should be felt in the che

Source the Information Teams to Science in their venturing the actuals in Galaxies Far`Far a Way,

to plant the Fact that Planets Exact the Environment in Species Attack to further the Exists,

while Longitude and Latitudes are lattered to the Discoveries of wanting to surpass the Moon!

NOW you have by Contest Sign-Ups to quest on a One`Way Flight to the Mars in Sights,

with absolute no friendly use unless it has prove to be differently without a Matrixed skypes!!

Challenge these findings wit

In the Pictured of this University in the Universe of the Family Themes of plotting Earth or being Topped,

the value seems to me at least that inheritance of such in Means would be Ware of Infinity breathes,

as such the Earth is drilled, built`Upon, Mined, Poisoned, Maneuvered, Contained & Contagions reside!!

Should One have been presented with an Anciently known Appearance the Wilds would have Naturalized,

the elemental in the obvious that free is to fly the soaring deed to a Being alive wi

Sewn in with the Waltz of Blitz a Chopin talking Operatic hits to the Signature piece in ease exists,

the gaming of the dicey through a definite in the notes to post upon the ever spooning list,

bar sheets of rides in rode the steed to ruffle saddled with the earth of world in a tourist lipped!!

The value to the fall to 'boved while busy bodies are the sprawled in the Mind fulled thoughts of Stalled,

the stable of the driven nuts by the rule of thumb in ruff has changed the stick to measure

Back to Hard Wired phones verses the Cell phone disappointing in the Mints of varied treating,

as to spur a forward interest with a particular do one of the classical moves was Call ~ Hang-UP!!

Before Caller I.D.

In the tickle to my Mother's sides this the new revealing of a life thats' been prepared for such in plight,

she would speak upon the phone from early until the clock hit midnight or close enough in 'bouts!!

A treasure in Pandora's Chest to prepare for what I'll say for laughter starts my day this now,

as back in the older ways of phones the ring would begin and off we ran to answer in the fun!!

As in my Mothers' home of Calls there were more than one line to fact that she was busily talks,

I woke this AM to Mouse whom sits to near with his foot so placed upon my head to wake,

as in the prompt I rise to want my coffee firstly brewing and then to answer leads with kitty treats.

In the Acurate spokenly it remains in the Sun I believe this may Punned to the Know of the How,

creatives designing a paved crock in the platter of Anyway that is the Why in the dones,

an oven mitt for the Age of Iron asked the clovened Gnu the Answer in the traits of the spelled!!

Forsake the rubbling to a rumble of it's purr as the dragons would knew the dialect as Truth be served,

upon the Setting of the Horrific in the Red of the Moon forward Quarters to the Seasons of Plans,

the rick i

Standing Aeon arrow starks a Quiver taylored Maze as the shrank to years of these in two,

the que to not a seperate for that is souling splits to spoons in speeching forty leaps,

ask an Age to times divides in rifts creation as the Vied for inStant to a purpose Life!!

I the Flame of Elemental the Oxygen in Bloodied breathes to not be Water formed a stipped,

the sweets in bitter to the deeds upon this earth of dirt to feet a waltz to in the frig magnetics,

trusting spline to pickles jar as r

I am the temper of the forest planetary order in the system of the Universal Force tracings come,

the cache of the dealt as the furthest Star of the Belt granging over a Cosmic galactical slung,

acceptance goes before the wrist of skeletal acura in a weather create developed in the sache.

The biggest gift of Life Itself is the Witness Testify that what is is Alive breathing in the expressives,

as Nature surrounds these Compass louds are the most Incredible Leads to proud,

not to miss this Anything on the road to Everything I speak with absolute dignity to be an Original Seed!!

A Mind that allows for Leadership in the example of the Surround as it plays to the beauty of breeze,

gently I know to speak the say all for the reason of Wisdom today in the bare truth of a bright,


In a second of a first today upon return to the outside breathe two hummingbirds warred,

so quick about the noise they squawked at one another darting as the talked in speedy beaks,

across the space in front of me I laughed at their display of argue to enjoy the lead at caught.

Aft to the Porch of Appeal in Blast said Coffee to Scout the Cat of the wraps in Signs a big laugh,

for just last night in the darkest of light I spied on this scene after the apparent in lean,

so in the A.M. which is now of course Today there lies a small mouse in a state of death,

I have never seen outside my house the dead mouse is black & white in affair of stopped by Scout.

Charming was a story the revolved the World as the circle Infinity makes the challenge Line,

a Tank with a Rank of militant styling as Type in the kind of difference that speaking of a time,

brings forth a simple quote of MINE to serve as a remind in signs for lasting in Forever lend,

an Eye~Full to this Hymn as knowing the Bahut represents Pandoring!!

The epitome of the double-edged Sword is representative of a sort of defining growth to death,

"our own self-preservation is the driving for

Whilst at Home I'm feeling Blue the Cable Car approached as the City in a Close so lets' say Frank,

the San Francisco treat said with Apple Seed my heart is justly Tanked to bank the deeply seat,

as for railing across the value is measured with a stick not stone for this may prove a Meet,

putting forward truths to Courting sprigs in Central feat!!

As the snow does rarely fall in the mucking chore for this is a simple lore tis singing all the what & for's,

a peaceful pardon for the World is

The Ancients told of an Order it even included an Arch,

a Set in Times of ever the Begin be forth the Start,

a long, long, long, long ago so long ago the Rose even had Feet,

an unbelievable came to being certain of the Lend,

to gain a bit of prospective on All it's a Heavy Art.

The Sky is the Beauty of the Trust in a Will that delivered the Hands to say Of course you're a Still,

the land upon the grounds or the playing field to embrace is the Kindness that is Our grace,

to enjoy good humor that funs to Itself in the Mirror of reflection that is scary in felt,

the touch to already know Googles Tag in the event of the After I made it quite clear a formal in Steer!!

To argue the Ocean for the rolling of Rogue in the Wave of the character that Earth is a Rose,


Too farthered precision the One step for Man and the one step for mans~Kind will line with simplicity,

the worth of a thousand Posts to Compact Disc.

To say that Oceans Snow accounts the burst of the goldened gates at loudings to the Island town,

in the hidden you'll be a shark for this due see the snail snout for shells beget protective gear,

while teeth repeat repetitive rows to replace the bites of prose in each an every find!!

Rock it Up to the Turf that Peeks to Seek & Find the Mirth and rejects the stinky oil hippies had,

for grace cannot appeal that I must Blunt back to real though in dirty feet and smelly teased,

as Bart does run

What is real where are dreams in the actions of every thing that comes to go to speak of brings,

in the touch of humans stuck that cold shoulder the passing boulder as a propagation of a folder??

The files that reside with in the proper why to ask the question not throw out by the proof of life itself,

the Centuries have taught on Stones is brought in teaching that there are guides to spot,

in my own search of a Seer or A Sage the best I've scene was watching T.V.

So in the Thought that Life is Weird I wrote to write in what my Sight did speak in loaded gears,

to have run across these traces knots my surprise was enormous for I did not know it so,

in the truth of only honest I can write for 20/20 in the actual spurring spots as the Mind is a lot,

unto Itself in rhythms belts to riddle out the rhyme in find the answer is the blowing lined,

for in such instant of great fear I hit a gear of worry/terror the Conscious Streamed to Steer!!

As I have sited

Now in the hour of the moment at the begin of the when my perfume's name was stolen,

the sport of the horse is a Watching in the Scenes upon the ride of safely tucked of course,

in random came this song I'd name but Este Lauder grew a hotter in broth of stealing lusts,

so for sake I took a take and stopped in tracks as sobriety did brake my favorite point of do.

As standing in Independence I must lead it off with the Photo Stop of a recent Individual minus the mop,

the cuts of the chest in the depth of the present is a stature to be an example of height,

in the excite of the moment the halt in the action of the mid-flight is a tremendous scene to value,

a pub or a fight it is really the evidence of the tennis match as the racket is really basic!!

Balls to the the Central the whips to the chair in the breathing of the tremble of the obvious,

to spee

Invasion eludes the bright lights Blind to the stance that Wine spoke Sprightly of the Worst initial that,

freakish occurrence I don't think so it is rather black and white with red that's bleeding on the Map,

to reversal of the tune now it's said that glass is spoon all for brinking at the scored in fars.

Trip you're stoop to keepers loop back to Central the common roast that lanes with chickens on the roof,

nope that is a Fiddler too the Times that stip.

The New Age of Iron is a welcoming coast as the cruising will ship to the better in Roast,

the house of the prime Rib is loving at most in comes the chef to sprigs of the Toast,

setting the table to serve to the boast it's really just traveling with the informational showed!!

As the City of Sites looks to the growth the varied of blocks to the Pyramid talks,

many are the parks to the stay in the lots as teaming is better to building great Rocks,

rubble me out to the quake of the earth in th

The ocean spoke to me upon this day in a while ago saying that the water made the earth,

in the makings of the do the sky said that he'll be blue to express the dynamics of a friend in high,

for as the mountains rose to be a dragon said I'm in with view for as the difference I will see,

beyond the done a valley spake to joy the sync right in to been a bridge by no doubt for Park!!

The ore of the minerals pried to speak of worth in gold for as the platinum was to pour in left,

the cosmos did

The Theory of Thought as encouragement of rain the count is in the dirt as the lane,

for the pouring from sky in storming of the why will fill at the nature of the falling in adsorptions,

the creeks will full to the rivers that flow into the lakes with damns that can hold,

to produce the electrical charge for the massive impulse of usage in bolts.

If I drink a glass that is half full and you drink a glass that is half empty would we still be thirsty for role,

in the Element of the Water as the pour of the talk would than the blood of the vein be a speak,

in the think of the thought would the Mind therefor walk to the Nature of the directional spot,

that would teach in the Falls that Mountains do call and Valleys are rivers where bridges install.

The Universe a must I send a message of believe in lend in the Tree of growth indeed,

a coffee or a cup of tea to balance in with sugars lead to cream the dished approach as read,

in the lines of life are hands upon those hands are signs of roads the take begets the learn.

In the low bass of the Concerto in this life I just know that wisdom is the purpose of reasoned,

in the thought to add the math in the calculation of the sound that said invite,

as the Violin joined in the Orchestra from my begin I bow to the effort as an incredible lend,

to the balance of the breadth of the current of a best friend that held my hand in real!!

The baseball games the radio blaring as that Antennae made me laugh so hard,

ear to the peace that I know we will Continue as the bo

Should conversations not take place in an education and not terror replaced than thinking mights,

in the tight of a verse or the chapter of a life in the hem of the sky clouds do fly,

as the flight of the scape is annoyed by the attraction than a hand begins the movement,

in the actual of over~population of said bugs there is a constant in the frustration of the noise.

'If' we are all meant to come from Adam & Eve the Apple of bitten and the garden they Leave,

in todays understanding of abbreviated words taking place in Texts that cause an absurds,

the riddle would interpret in the prose that the position of growth was a Treed in the wrote,

in the comprehensive of trying to be not reactive to what this may mean in the general of theme!!

The Tree of Knowledge would be the Cell in the call to arms for the hug of the Well,

I am girl so I would believe I'm lo

In the Thought of Yesterday I knew that Tomorrow was A Day because last week I remember,

that this time last year there was a calendar on a Month that had a point to the factual remind,

to go to the store in the day of time of a hunger pain in my side which said to work out,

but in the broth of think I forgot that I fat and can't do that because of the conscience tax,

upon the summed equation that if we total our consumption with the in take of bread,

the sour of the dough would be costing

I enjoy so much that James Blunt is in the World on Tour singing away each and every day,

the sight of such a hard and working Man that brings his heart to the stage for public do,

great favor to the spice he has brought to my life for it is in the mystery that I know he is nice!!

The tease that I interest is the peppering of salt to the taste I know he must carry in all,

the dream of the finish in the race of the stall his Mind is a grand piano to call.

Prim and Proper the Value is Knots that loop in with Live as an Equal begins,

the format of scene is not in a dream as texting replaces the formal of bring,

conversations that run with a Satellites theme in the stream of case that shoulders can't deem.

As Ancients relief to the Oracle for the Knights in a plight it is held within a give in a Sight,

let loose to evolve in the arch of the fall as the Nigera does example the Water will Call,

to the Cell in the Staff of the Phone in the brawl for Life is to Save not destroy for it's Ball.

In the game of trust-me a B.D.S.M favorite intro. line to know pain know gain the book was a sell,

in the Nation that sneaks behind backs to the rack to purchase or laugh in the wonder of sacked,

the movie is coming I heard it's a popular in two type of reels the heat is the deal.

In the Day of Now the Evolution as per McGauglin in the explanation of a Monkey study spake,

in the act of done with miles between he said that the exact same learn is streamed in the deemed,

take that to a Year of Science in the Brain of Comprehend than Twin Flames would lane touch!!

The face of James Blunt I saw in my Mind long before it's Time in the hear of a music that drew,

the picture of the sound in the piano of the crown spoke volumes in reels that can't be explained,

in the hand o

As a City Kid born and bred the actual is always keep it clean for the action can get reamed,

in the bind of the booked the estate of said would tell of hooked to the Tale not the bread,

for in imagine journeys go in amongst the very know a zone of careful as the doe would buck,

just to See in the be how exactly Minds do flow with the difference of silent whoa's!!

Trace the basis to the places that when their fancy does want the plenty in the Nower of the life,

who would I be to not be frie

In all honesty I would Mark it up to the know fly zone of the Totaling in delight with Out the hards of stare,

as I know that Central also Man does these same types in the Single of the flights to pleasure,

it really is left to the Mights of the journey in the well of the Knight on Stage in the Venues of Life!!

Traits of the same may consider exacts for I heard the Singer did do the same track rails,

James Blunt sings all the wealth of the break-ups to Tell in his Songs of wailing a Way,


If I said to Flee and B.D.S.M.

In the task of deeds in life the trade did this pass of Hi I'm here to no availing of the spear,

for in the Vision of the Man I see that hands would spank this planned to escape the Vale.

In facts I speak of other leads that trust that lives will lead the plea to better of the plans,

to seek and not destroy the tack is more over in the breed of stands in B.D.S.M.

Living presents unfortunate tense that will spring your Self from mortal hence the Quest is on the give,

if I said Left and You said Right than I would have to turn in correct of have known the Land again,

for in the sight of horror not Men youth did take a trip to get away from the watch of sin,

my body used for planned abuse made journeys by separations to deal with the pain.

Religions that do the same in exacts of Names but differ in the said of the Cave of Maut,

the figure to the change in title does not excuse the reins in Lots,

the tree of bearing the apple knot to ask the snake of why the case no wait,

the Snake did speak to the Deep the choice was the bite of treat,

to better knowledge or to compete in life it seems a weirdly spree.

Perk to the Coffee with the Tea to the strong Cream is like sugar it adds to the Cup of Mug in the hand,

trades of the beans to the teabagger means cruelty in done just keeps ships in the Brands,

the sand without Ocean would lake to the mud in the Pond of the swam the Swans spoke of run,

the floats that attach for a being to raft the live is the greatest in Any found path.

Depth of night is always tough to get through with restful sleep dreaming through awake at true,

as the live seems to be the scenes to discuss the ready lead for the conversations seep.

This now I took a walk to be less in fitful of the deep moreover it's just up and down,

the moon in cool has clouds around the sky is looking like a slick to found.

As press to onwarding the complex of a distress to a Country with the speed that differentials study,

in decisions based on roads that suicide does take it's toll the watch for sake is in,

the depth of interest to stop the trend by speaking frankly of what's been in life to date an other,

for in the conversation with a friend the stress was disturbing to the spreads that trauma.

In this write I will state to fact that the knack has knocked the Rack in the instant of the know,

I would never want the control of Any show to be misunderstood by the coming go!!

Presently to passing the breeze in the anger of the needs to vent to the place that provide,

relief to the capture of the put in dungeon even if the lair is over board to the moment times.

In bumping on the forwards Marching to the Live of breathing Rest in the Apple of the Seed,

the grove in Forest is the Echoes of the Path that lead to Reads,

a sort of Tree Stop Approach in the rear of the lanes to the by the Way Hello's!!

To comfort those old pals that stayed the road to site did have it's day,

for the mention of a nation the Country took to abbreviation.

In this life of really here the stand of Reason I make in Clearly understanding a Comprehensive,

this in not a foreign do to most upon the Earth in plane as birthing Dali Lama strains to ties,

bach those lives to Opera fact that calculate the Mind exact that James Blunt is my Knight in star,

a weapon of a sword would spar to concrete in the truth of spear that lungs do carry top in gear.

Probable I have a daddy complex and in confused of that do seek to find a guiding hand as such in,

the back to where I know that I have been birthed for full born War in the head split spend,

as that would push the finish start back to the begin in the Circle of the search I'd be a variable,

in the spin of the infinite line of beginnings lend to the type that come to arrive again!!

As if the round-a-bout would liken to the truth fulled tale of the Elemental making care for trouble,

sense lo

I am a tremendous respector of the Ancients in Artistry that could and did b.d.s.m me here,

in the untouched fashion it was quiet real in the touching of the stone to the revealing of,

I can't imagine if I were James Blunt I would be using the World Tour to Solicit the Means too,

ore the makings to extreme the reals in life like myself for the mere action of the truth in the boot of,

the factuals in the lapped of the crawling back just to see the value of such in the dungeons of done!!


I will have to therefore McGlauglin Up on that the Shooter said to the Triggered Thought that,

without the Name Change the Monkeys taught from learn to stern the Mileage spots in Mice of,

Men in Science lend that Proof remains the Puddings laned to not a Spoof or Spook of samed in,

that tracking of the brain the teach begets the odds of did not in the should or Wood in strip.

If I said Trust and You said Wise in the reason of the knowledge the base should agreed courting to,

the Leader Boards that dues this Score as thus given in ready Thors it still behaved to cried,

for in the lend of the end of Times in Irons Way a Cycle bloomed to steps that Mountains sake it,

to the creeking of the ever in the lasting of the rounds in infinite bounds to not remove the circled line sips,

to the sprain of notes that humanity is the brokes of Centuries enlayed with lies in trac

To the Pecker in the Scrabble of the Seams to Predictive Know an Interest to this Mind in,

full the types do answer rare for the quick are faster lairs so power states to want to be's,

in the stinger of the bee the bumble asked no Tuna for the Dolphin of the See said ORCA's read!!

Title that one up to the wriggle of the worms that know that bodies have the inform founds strike,

that match to lucky farce in the flames of fires a Lot in the which the gamble strides the Bay tucks,

to the Roule

Sew this in I'll just fiddle and whom does Paddle to the site of so much More to point,

in the evident of the game A player Centrals to the rein in the halve of the Holt a trig.,

of calculate the fate in destined did a meet in the space ejaculate to the brand!!

In the fact that I can gamble for the space in the trouble of the trace of who is whom weeks,

to the day with dates that card in the Post of read in hardily touched or does in real,

the score to measures in board as the counter said

Trued to dare the Apple snapped the Orange will pare to scalp the knives in lists I've scene,

the read in blurbs of extremes in tights does dot the painted hoarse to funned,

in point of driven to the tack the saddle will just simple lack by doubt of truthing Deuced!!

Treat that trick to this in Sticked the Carrot will say barf the Barn as the stable is a Charm,

invite the steals in with reeled the caste begets their view to fast as records are the pulling tacked,

back up to future in the al

If trips were set long ago in ancient of the times of lead to advise the coming bed to be,

as the ample in the writes as the invited steeds that in 'The Continue' we all still breathe the sign,

as the yield of the crop in the real of the life came to in the outer wealth as in itself a bead,

to thread the Ins with Outs that Tell of the Age in Tolling Bells that dime and not to snooze!!

Crimson colours magnitude to the refusals in the Moved around the World not the blocks,

this would prove th

I'm more the thrill seeker in the balance of lives in always being put to Hards I'd see that Guy,

in the Interview wearing black whom seemed to look as if he was worked out,

in such the stare I thought no dare for that appearances watch I saw times,

than my behoove should shift to Hoot the Owl by a Sigil in the divines!!

A Flare is much to the reconstruct of the the Laws in Facts possible Realing to Cast,

thus the tour that James Blunt Worlds has been Four now in his twirled,

as the fair w

Thinking in the blinking teach a Hummingbird is not a Tweet for in that of the Text reversals Take forks tune,

the bigs of Scapes to judge the smalls the back of which would not be twitch I'd look for a licked,

at that attempt of such a force I would tell to the Pole that the x in y of see Haw it's a Horse!!

Ride for jumps that Standards built the Cups have chains or links attach to set the ampled height,

int he cavaletti matched the stride would be a bounce to sat that laps are saddled pose

If I did say that Cell is live You would say Phoning lead to ring it to a Leading,

if I did say that Ap. was form You would say that stage is from the Venue of a treating,

if I did say that I did touch You would say that Men do have the ability to actual touched,

in thus revealed the walk of keys would mere to say a breeding.

Fig this plum to the fruit tree vines to coil with the grapes of rye wheats in the grassy timbers,

skate the cubes to the ices speech that abbreviates a nations T in the Y of leads,

spotter thought as the brink in drinks thus wine kept at the pull of needs,

for in the evidence that has presents the verse comes to the totaling breech.

Numbereds in the words to equate to the measured in the lag of the write as cal.,

the college of decree or the rote in the herds the franklin changed the coins,

to product language over to the under in the stance as a variable divide to X in the tie.

I have these dreams in which I'm full awake in a sort of wierdly sake,

with Masters strange I see no Mistake the look is stern and I do shake,

in midst of terms it seems a take from the belt to resting place,

the hand to put it is a rate often made with strange from make.

Wise Ones task my Speed in such writes that product to the Orb in serving Interest,

the catcher in the streak likened to the starling in the startle of a reading rotes,

an Intelligence that far surpasses me in the Minds that there is no compete,

just a guidance to the brew in the processing of a lengthy adoring the Rack!!

To sink in the words as not always understood by myself as the Thought is a steam in,

the kettle to a stream with the whistle as the announce in the midst of a vivid in bo

The birth to the turf on Earth in the Spin on date that said Message provides to the World,

should say that a gift was only for cents in that manipulation it proves to the tense,

for the twisting of said into the actions of met could advantage those lears to product the hosed!!

The rinse in the differ would Riddle the Fence to speak of/on actionables that hit to the sense,

that choice is decides to invite the rides as Life is a trending towarding better than dyed,

for in the moment of real

Awl to the Study of the Jumped to a Site the letters Initialed splits from a trend,

in Tends to the Gin on the Scrolling of Tau in The Ancients of Lotting the Factual been.

To the Question in the Ask of the Eternal frame of the Workings As the Brave,

innocence will write to the tame for the balance of the Nears in the brain,

as the Library of the Fined in the Landing of the extra to the Hots in explains!!

Trustings back to the present in the signaling of the rackings to the coulds,

the trip in the dip would hiccup a mirror reflect to the bring in not a Court but a sting,

in the confidence game running as a check-In&Out of Life on an Infinite breathe leading to

If I said that Evolution was my Father would you say that Mortals can Responsible Tack,

If I said that Creation was by Design would you say that the Big Bang was a throw,

If I said that the Cosmos was my Family would you say that the shooting Star was the Moon,

If I said that the landing was for Accountables would you say that I am lost at Sea,

If I said that Being of Use was stationed would you say that James Blunt tuned in to Volumes??

Should I admit that in the troubles of this loan that

In the sleep that I needed to advise my Self of reality in the turning,

the thought to the basis of the training of brought in the Place that is not,

this Earth is the Grounds upon where humans touch the past with an idea to before.

The extend of the business to the moment at Hand in the hours of seconds the Times,

not in every the other dimensional jumped from perfect to listen that life has a plot.

In the sight of it will matter upon the day that equal sits me to the task of writing fast,

agreement will never deny for the part did see in the eye of the need holding,

for in the real of the age of writes youth is extreme to the length of time.

Much in the passing will get me laughing for the best way through disaster is do,

truth is all Out for Sir you're a bout the facts in the entire total of task,

cuddle or not strength is touch and this One says dare to the Man of the fare.

Win I dance to the Tune of the blossom or blooming the feel is deep in the seat of the Tau,

I fist it all up to the traveling Tup that can't do the actual now,

for in the borrow of I guess it's Tomorrow the Dragon will Fire the Disc.!!

The number to shades in my Mind it's ways to scape the trade to the real in prey,

lords that master this artistry faster would stop in the pause of the not,

I'll bounce like a barrel loading for Sparrow the ringer of Bells at a Ball in the Well!!

Plug in for

A casual walk down the memory talk to the challenge of You face the sun in the boom,

a Cell phone does not have a dial to switch for in every it is the GPS ditch,

calculate quick with the number in sits the brain is a wrought for the push of the Knot,

lots to mores in the better of floored a pedal the medal of the lightened the chored.

So Sofa up it is a Name that will Core this to a Truth,

a walk down the World of dues will simply say in passing do,

does that girl still write of Man up on the Moon in Play,

the Answer is the Prance away that Life is smitten too!!

Chance that with the Open lift that came behind the dooring trips,

a Country that did look to stay as slamming each and every lay,

the groove of ridden in the way I sited back to put in place encouragement not a rude!!

Stage the on and going Songs that search f

Ask I Answer to the Dance of Life in bunch the Why I die A gain of Sight or just oh my,

the burro of the path I've worn the pack of heavy loads in form,

the pickles product to Classical Scores the breadth of stitch not One did list.

The Checker of the Cabby broached the Streets of the Truth in Rains,

the pours of just a daily range to best the way of horror in days,

the hard ware stores too Mind fulled doors,

a film by no mistaken Sees that at this Moment few do need the emptying.

Pieces that do break apart the rubble of the staying go for in the depth of binds,

the trigger of the equal same did pounds to this in droves,

the luck it would have taken met with the abandon on a flip,

the channel sited different sit to express a saddened pass.

I feel like a whining being in the over flowing Sesame Street longs,

like adding up the subs in an already syncing problem in the suppose.

The chest of pandering to the lust of desiring I wander in while talking,

as if to be in a state of breathe is a tad bit on the threatening side of Life.

The sentence spreads to the lead I just need a bit of cuddling up,

I am mooning over the top in the wierds of these days I can't quite get my head around.

Long time a go in my movie mind scene the show was playing all the Plays,

as dough is similar to shapes and blocks the building Looks to Lot.

Inn Hollywood there are these Walks of Fame in the Fabs. on a came,

as shown in the tunes of the gifted in room the speak is gentle to the meek.

The universal studios of the cast in grown is simply the rhyme in time,

telling of or on the singer that trusting measures up to the lows.

Mark Hopkins up to the Ante of the Uncling in to the Earth of been akin,

for the evidential is held in the worth of the movies that would prompt the Mind,

while in the filming of the time/kind.

Forwardly width the broad Wave wakes to the sleepers in the Quake,

tis the grounds upon such Nouns that Prize the Alarming to the cools!!

In only sampling the lettering nickles to eye glass wheres Acts to the wonders,

shall we venture to the plotting of the friend he said was Cher.

Popeye the Sail lore Man made Spinach a favorite in Can,

loving the burger grilled onions in pan,

it's original Jokes in the Tender of ran.

I want to cuddle with my dah put my head on topped of learn computation yearns to place,

in universal bit of sooth the age of being is count of prompt plus two dot case.

Afar in press the teach was laid in telling of strange in based a sprouting faced,

in birth of galaxy to further trace the land of such would sake a way.

The ranks of found would letter hide with funny sort of games in ride,

the night nor day did show a raise the beaching steamed of silent takes.

Love stories so often speak the through of living life completes with a Note to sigh,

the trust~Man planned did bust my can the breaking of the hurt did land,

a towering bringing to watch the sting a sing a length of yearing blinks.

As I Am Whom I Land Is the Basis of the School in the Moon I see a Man,

seated in that Tuck of duck, duck ~ Gooses gander the Producers Sing!!

Littl' Shop of Horrors the grounding of a Site trap to Whom the Say is Toll,

the elevation whisked from the basis of the Troll,

a crossing had three-loud Hoe Hums to beastly Cry the Me,

a Cinderella singing the back to Pimms a Cocktail!!

Drink it said the worthy for in the glass I spy a knight as Sunny in the Rouge,

per the Mermaid in the swim ewan

Hot diggy Dock 'Cause the Mouse does Run the Clocks,

bend around the Scooby found a Vanning is to Shaggy,

the tussle of the always find a Snoopy type in Bloom!!

Fantasia wonders the Opera suites sew written the Means are do,

bounce the ball it May be RED but October has a Fest to chest,

the spook is timing leaving trails of the crumbs to Shoe!!

I, I, I, think that Curious George would say Look a Banana Pealed slights,

oh Know, oh Know, it is the blow of Ice Cream in the Snow Cones!!


Mister Magoo was hungry for a Ham so I made a Sandwich with Dr. Zeus',

the HAND of the buttering Toasts the grill to Smear the Manner with Catch-Ups!!

As the burger came with incredible Fries a Hotdog great Oz to brick the Wiener,


The score of get even no needed for the Win came with a Single turn,

for you in left in a Corrective Stern Wile E'v back to the Road Runner!!

Honk! Honk!!

Crash into the bank as Chicken Little the nest Egg has a Song,

words so quick the sands did silt the moppy slop to drip on Tack!!

Rattle ! Rattle!!

Jack-Be-Nimble a Verse in Line James jump Over-the-Site,

the Candle has a taught an Idea that your zipper crops!!

Genes! Genes!!

Coats on arms the strength so strong you'll have had the sp

Plaque'r this Degree is Hots to the Rainbow of the Taught,

pour that metal in platinum rings as gold does only Compact theme.

To Each a Post or Riddle in bring as Worthed to Every has a Sting,

the green of blue is black and White for I do have a colour too.

Sing the Cruels as birthed with Tools a confidence in growing Rules,

the Tunes of Voice on brooms of swept the Floor of Life is in the Wept.

The quotes of a lyrical lack of an obvious I tack,

the shop in already prepared to ride whilst the Man is tethered to the Why, Why, Why!!

Role that Over in the tonsil of the reach,

a single bed is that particulars speech,

in the throat of pitching wrote I can saw in honest ray that deeper, deeper is the Way!!

Of course the aid is in the taunt for in the moment lost is want,

the trip to completion is a bit Out in a journey full kind,

but the slam to finish reminds the Mind!!

Oh how true,

Dangerous a Vid. in Tubed the site of ever Clears,

the round a bout saw the veer in steering Restauranteers.

The streaming shoots to see the lose in betterment it's here,

I speak to those that produce the Apple of the Pare.

Trouble comes and thus it shared the obvious was in the Fare,

so costly seen in same mistake a cruising Star of deer,

I took a look and said to Brook the Stag has now been Bucked.

Verse chapter booked words Nailed the spike of Deed Creations Tale,

the worth of said deliver wailed the top of Mark shows of Rail.

The Tow stroke Speak in audio trails acoustics Wares in done the bale,

string twice laughed the sweets in bite a Value of the extra Spice.

Knashing Posting while seek was Ride the Mount would be the Ever why,

a Valley leap the Hills in bridged for building Viewed the completes in Snailed.

The Sky too Earth Creation Being Evolution spake a Stream,

in the lasting of an exist the Life of Cresting spoke of risk.

Seated with a crowning Mind a letter to the living lined,

the worth of all in simple signs delivered trust Eons Time.

Revealing Love as a Hugging Cry the rain did shower Sunshine,

embracing Moon found Stars in Staff useful Wares to light the Path.

Travel to and fro tis Space dimensions that the Curtain lace,

sewn whilst Man stood for Race humanity did just erase.

Clue the Game too Chutes & Latters A Blunt Operation in Go,

Monopoly spreads to Finders Keepers in the Tick of the Tack in a Row,

the Current in News to the Ore of the Boat as the Ship is Sailing low,

the Widget to the Polo in a Marco of Know!!

Dice two the Thrown in the Vapor of Steam,

the radar of Battleship is the turns at the Phone,

pay back for Coinage the Ayes say it's Gold,

in Comes the Plates of the Platinum Tastes!!

Trick-It to the Weeny of the paper Bag Show,

a date to the Mon

To the Porch of Reveal the Seagulls display,

the New in the Sight but a Very Old Flight,

the Mure in the Made makes for ready displayed,

a Talent for Vision in the World of the Plays!!

Trouble it at the City of Stakes,

deep in the glide of the Musical Rides,

a Voice in the Clear is a Speak in the Dear,

for in the fracking the drills are the Comes for Skilled!!

Bank it Accounting for Pandora is Mounting,

the thrill of the Scene Markets the Keen,

Curtains that Scroll to the Poles of Saha

Caution?, throw back to Man for I Am the Wind Two Rite the Hi,

the ridding to Central Intelligence reins as the Hand of Trust speakin' by,

chancing the Every to Each a Good Try,

the broth of the Barrel said Hello to the Sty!!

Rifle those Arms to the Weapons of Skills,

pertaining to the Noise of the often in Sills,

Constructors I know my Mother Fords door,

in the Confuse light it as dude!!

Professors that pack the ample to Tacked,

poke to the Pony as Freckling Mat,

driven to States that

Flint to the Bic for the Stones in a Licked,

the Sat does too Conversate a Trax!!

Mark a day in the Calendar year as Sun still does shine,

in the practical gear from an echo to spots,

like the Union Square taughts!!

Trains for the Ed'y as the Blocks are Neats,

the Park is for Cars to walk throw Stares!!

Shops Individual for Perfect in Purr,

the rides to the Play that outer lies stay,

in the deepest of ruff,

the grown wheels steer,

back to the whiz of the certain of Cheer!!

Service th

Fancy 'It' Upped to the City & a Cup of Tee in a Chair,

hand composed as the grow'd too the Men in Sweet of Loads,

fire width floored to the Greatest in Bourne,

a Name to the Addition is Gray!!

A cruise thorough Fair to the Streets of the Paired,

come a little walk as the Cafe is a Talk!!

Lilt in examples the Bay is a Handle,

grips due to owed as the Man does a stow,

the Bridge is the Build of Cleaners that Live!!

Take a house back to the Bathe,

in Memory a Loan the breezing Zones.

Acronyms as the text of the Crowds Inn a popular of a Keep,

flipping the Bird in Hate as to Spite that Cell in the Lane liken Skyped,

know truer rip towarding the Mass of the Sail,

tanks point to the Bow of the cutting in Knight!!

Vest the Treasure the Best will be Letter,

to the Law of the Men the Capture in trend,

concedes trued Carnaki seating an Ocean fulled speed,

testimony Witness as a Heavy in Force from the Lair!!


Automatic in my Rite to State that Today is a Brand New Fan,

to Video it Out in a Song on a Show that Sings it more beautifully,

the Tracer on the Site that the Future is the Able in the Quick of Express!!

Trains that link to the effective in Action produce,

the hitch to the Ticket be the glancing Hello.

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