Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Breaking A Way That Torque Of The Most Ancient Dimed Door!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How the Starlights farther than the sphere of this earths Tar o the dye know shark,
to that is the glow of the dawns in Times of the ages of galaxy Dash,
to that is the raised on the Bigger that Band,
a realm of Infinity to multiply Kelp as the string of Nothing would Fly that sword to ride the bell!!

Treats of the Delve to shift touch Moons Belief on the Additional kicks,
why go round as the straight is Bare oles to see the explosion of dawn on begin,
fire as the element to waist the stride on that is the Hell owe of riding the grasp,
deep in the solar system of Orion to discuss with a Cosmic choice to tender the rear,
banking the dial to scope of reality Prior on Era to Ion with sills that show yield once bends,
fast to the Tour is not a stitch in sign 'cause on those grade schools is B.D.S.M. for the Tide!!

Who would book to a Fifty talk chapter with the Gates of Dimensions as ready be Trim,
watched as the Rook goes with that skill to Quest of a Pilot on the good old-Fashioned ride to still,
girth to the grounds ask the Eagle of lens,
that Elephant Tale^lore from Directions to cent,
roar treats the Jaguar to leap like a keen Out & About to break sound with no barrier to bellow a tend,
lets see the cards of the Poker gone Ace,
got to call chorus to sing touching Fin!!

Night is the Suns on brigade to arm More,
through the distal to feather it tracked,
eye light to See Quiet,
stand to lead shelves,
upon the Library be Oceanic to quarried,
salts calm that froth to commerce on wrung,
why be the reason to wild at berth!!

Words are not striking to rote held by lease Ask the redeeming by wit nestled leave^EAN,
so as the World finds to that stuck I choose to know that life is more shaped,
tumble with particles grind to the stoned maintain that Hymn a letter to Valley a lend,
port of explore while the Pyramids store the directive to scale the lines on a tease.