Tuesday, March 15, 2016

In Honor Of One Old Man A Buggy In The Barn And The Incredible Trust Of His Love On The Roots!!

Describe the depth of Hel in that language off the Mountains slain,
in the Mounds of criss crossed and the Puzzled by the riddles hymn,
on the viking of the sail on earth??,
no it was the Ocean on the waves to shores.

Shed by that knows of natural echo to term the Human cork a brim,
as the noise is the fog of frost tea frozen,
in that lather is the froth of the Owe shins lathe.

Tried&Tour the eight legs of the Spider on that Webster,
defining difference to a context,
it is nigh the hour of the syntax,
a ride touching the Pegasus,
across the great heat of skies a crows marrow to the harpist string,
its the lyon's velour to that Elephant Tusk that ponds a Trace element of mineral grin.

So on the Order of systematic Solar Stiles a Constellation of the Orion on the Hemming Way,
talk to that star fathom of the thrive and the wheat will torque,
speak to the wheel in the fallow and the rye whiles drink to vodka mane e! awe,
trip down the men done and the show is of the AM you let,
discuss the Fire place an The Sword of forge Will grant the Wyoming gift,
that read in deed an to the Horse on the canyon.

River deep to caves and sleep is the crotch of Man gulls stream,
in the dead lathe to the walking dead it is not any from every on the tomb of Crypt,
for the lives are waltzing the language of bib a coal fierce to mend Dole a slipper,
at the Clogs of wares the Wood discourse,
for the Canoe of the Ore.

Pen to Pap a rust,
the sprout of journal lean,
as the ink is type drive to the auto moat Teak,
a blank is the Fill on a Thought of resin,
scope of Thermos to the Milk in for the Cream of ran Sid to Paints,
brushes on the crew is a Can vase to the letters on the Note,
bringing that gem steep a Whistle to the kettles Pan as the lift on these down^knee daze.

Creeks are the waters Way to that conversion of the How a Hoover Dam was in the Template of the 20's,
that being said is to know the Whales on a Fossils leaf,
the grape Seed is the Antelope of the Rhoda as the Red wonder of Hen at the locale of Park Road,
as Pat Dyas will know the names and dates to scoop these great Tiers to the Bundy's friendly Hello.

Rhonda on the Bar tell it on the Fountain that Syn a Men roles are of cadence and stem,
to brought is the attentive detail putting place to chin as the fervor is a vault on the Rose,
to negate the photographic memory of the strides of that particular area is to charge the Mars gerber with Tore Til awe,
this World has put to the Deck lands a Pour US on Wall Up's to File the real Eyes with hugs of cried,
cheeks be smile for the truer of the compass is that every single Human Being is rare to Boots.

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