Tuesday, March 15, 2016

What Is A Cap^Sole Should The Pill^Owe Went A Sit^Dick And Ran^Sid 'IF' Glenn Beck Knew I Fall^Lo`d Eh Loud???

Care In more a Syn the Flacid Jay^IMs Baa luon`t tell Len that gosh Dust burn knee gets it Sam,
to that is the Mars Mission to the A hall Owe to the string Dip pen shoulders of Aitch back Ned,
eh Zee Duh fax to Wrap the strap Hows the Tune on the bing Bod a Broom,
swept out to Sea the o'shin be grain,
off Ven.Ewe once Facebook to the disc Cuss of swear Inn to Capsules And Tats??

Fee^lean a bit locked on the Shoe do the Pins go to the Trace??,
make in that done Gin tickle the Ice like the Look keen glass Sir jury to Crump day to Shun??,
awe thats to bad that the treasure can't Teak to the B.D.S.M rig,
that part Pt. to Sync Wholes for the Plant and the stout!!

Bummer the Car Dack coot is Pigeon by stow,
deep in the dinner of chains and grow crumbs,
cause apron for dinks is the Ink pink of Coil,
wrest walkers shall the be Trix go to digs??,
dee Pleat to Hemming the Way on a boo hoo Who??,
don't worry your blank self 'cause A NAN A Mus is The Glenn Beck Pro^Gram??.

Treat to the bank Bean??,
no thats just the pump,
sump per the plug gose avenue flutes.

The catholic at obvious of pea through a Straw??,
oh well said the ladder day Saint to the Hood,
strike to that is the V owe lah to Spence,
a penny for a bucket and the drip for the jug.