Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Merry Loo Ret Tun On Bryant Gumbel At Bill Maher's Real Time!!

So on the ankles of the shiver at the station of Cabbage,
the corker gives a Message in a Bot Told,
the miss scene piece on the crock oh dial,
a Tom Cruise one^knee^ean the Poster bored,
stick Up to stuck Y??,
the move ease of the scrabble is never on the level,
that gin a store ede with Dave Miller,
that George Clooney with the Game Show father Hood,
ghost lee counter to the ate tour saying Popcorn gots a grain,
kernel crunch to cereal box,
big screen to commercial at Vegemite,
a knew tell uh that eh bee see ain't spy knoll flew id,
rather the chance to Chuck key cheese??,
'cause Tom Cruise smiles like a Banshee brad^Lee,
sharp Peas on sigh in Tall lo gee Wells of Phyllis Dickerson that E.K.P. the First would say 2nd to 3rd,
solving the cadence of Rain Man and Joe kin as The ewe S a brass Drums and Core eh Norse echelon of Poles.