Monday, April 11, 2016

Good Cheer To Cough Fee As What Is A Tell With Trains Station On Midnight Walks With Reality And Not a muscle shirt???

What is a SIM Aye to the Roads of America,
the truck stop Ping to what is that ask or Shell the time be scale on the see Bee with a haw haw,
than the turn at that shall the dance speak why is the Coffee Yield,
to grind or that message in a cough as that Hour of trains on Railroad display to support the Circus??,
therefore Sacramento proper to Rio Linda known the great Midnight on Arco a Friend??,
who would have thought that bar numb and bale lee would sit per men hint to our special communique to prime school.

That is the Virtue of Ryan Mic Garr a Tea to whale a Tear,
cheeks to that is the smile of a neigh key uh as Windy days for misty fogs those clarity ask awe,
bill owe bill to you pea sshh,
that ban field of wise the counter to comb??,
how these bang to what is a Boxer.

That comes to the method of system to Jennifer and a particular fun knee on stores bearings,
there in the forefront on found in display,
as easy as what is a zip lock of say!!

Off to that decision??,
know it brought precision of direct no translation needed,
the stole to a bee in the taste of spice as excitement lended a bend before the knees on reality.

Tree Hill lee Oh is not in the Know of why that breakroom is on the sew duh machine,
to office at fee^lean as the more^ran speaks fill,
what is the fiber should food go to span??,
then on free range as pasture is graze??,
no 'cause this makes a dial to fingers and skids of harp on the guts that silents said note,
all in the day of just being a speak to what is naturally the basis of grown,
that very reliable founder of self to allow what is note worthy to see big buff a lo!!

Such is as it is for the structure of known,
foundation of footing to the creeks and the love,
what is a picnic table these jumps for a worth,
why does the tree have a fork on its girth as that put to simple as above grounding to find,
dragging your feet or understanding the stride to what is able to be of a grasp??,
who really knows why the Circus went grump,
I miss those Elephants and the Trains showing Rigged,
with cadence and love to know of the strength,
no matter how small it was that beautiful Song coming for steady and balance to Tall.

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