Monday, April 11, 2016

The Story Of 7-11 A Long Fantasia or An Avenue for The Today Show too Ghost^sting??

CBS this ever on the whom said write back,
as that brings to ladder rein 7-11 on tax ease tore wrist,
to say that Jeff reed is flute Team to that anchor is being,
in the midst of dial a shore call Educate to Boehner.

Cause an Bic are the Common nerves of string a Hen due,
to seek that sword of sway Ole is to know the rick a tee lake,
sand dye a Net ticks as whose is move ease confidence,
the squab or a shoed??

Hot forge the Iron to commerce and stihl a Commercial value to bum pers,
than on that enter method of ought toe motives is the Jam going a lean,
Bill O'Reilly is a Fall Guy,
dude Wares.

Yet not all can barrel Niagara for a journey to the otherside,
cross Sing that is vocal lyrics with chaining??,
its know that the IRS is Certificate to Theme??,
its the back of garbage Cans at the Measure of Rule??,

more in frame How did survive groan to know,
cloud dust a meters powder lightening lives to be.

Hue Man chord the chains at score Yet growth settled sake to Rote,
jar Head dry erase a Pen Sill lig,

Canal Teach Spine nerve(s) (of) select Seminal Orions' bar Tars ran,
kick-off Ox to DISH a bull now the heard is Stoned,
self-command to Schedule is the what of Sand. 

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